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In Case You Missed It: Interior Continues to Safely Restore Access to Public Lands

Posted 18 May-2020 02:23 PM by Mia | 1258

This week, U.S. Secretary of the Interior David L. Bernhardt was on the road again, conducting site inspections at National Parks and National Wildlife Refuges. The Secretary met with park superintendents and refuge managers to see firsthand how they are safely restoring access to America's public lands. An overwhelming majority of Interior-managed public lands continue to be accessible to the public with additional opportunities becoming available each day as the Department works alongside governors to Open Up America Again.

Restoring Access To Hallowed Grounds 
Secretary Bernhardt and Western Pennsylvania National Parks Superintendent Stephen Clark opened the gates at the Flight 93 Memorial National Park. It was one of the five Western Pennsylvania park units that restored access to the public on Friday. The Secretary inspected the Tower of Voices, where he assessed progress on a project to update the chimes and joined NPS staff in cleaning the Wall of Names. 

Supporting Outdoor Recreation  
The Department Press Release supports a total of 452,000 jobs and $58.1 billion in economic output for recreation activities across 500 million acres of public lands. Safely restoring access to public lands is critical to fueling the country's economic growth in gateway communities and supporting small businesses throughout the country. During his visit to Cuyahoga Valley National Park, Secretary Bernhardt, U.S. Representative Dave Joyce (OH-14), and the Cleveland Area Mountain Biking Association reopened the park's East Rim Mountain Bike Trail System.  

Secretary Bernhardt and U.S. Representative Dave Joyce (OH-14) open a mountain bike trail at Cuyahoga Valley National Park's East Rim Mountain Bike Trail System. Secretary Bernhardt and U.S. Representative Dave Joyce (OH-14) open a mountain bike trail at Cuyahoga Valley National Park's East Rim Mountain Bike Trail System.
Secretary Bernhardt then traveled to Erie National Wildlife Refuge, where he was joined by U.S. Representative Mike Kelly (PA-16). Refuge Manager Vicki Muller updated the Secretary and the Congressman on refuge projects being completed by the Maintenance Action Team (MAT). The MAT's primary purpose is to provide training and career development for U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service employees. 

Secretary Bernhardt speaks with U.S. Representative Mike Kelly (PA-16) and Erie National Wildlife Refuge Manager Vicki Muller.U.S. Secretary of the Interior David L. Bernhardt speaks with U.S. Representative Mike Kelly and Erie National Wildlife Refuge Manager of WASHINGTON Vicki Muller
American Outdoor Recreation Enterprise 
During a visit to a manufacturer of outdoor products in Middlefield, Ohio, Secretary Bernhardt had the opportunity to meet with hardworking men and women that help power the outdoor recreation industry. 

Secretary Bernhardt tours an outdoor product supplier in Middlefield, Ohio.Secretary Bernhardt tours an outdoor products supplier in Middlefield, Ohio.
National Parks and Public Lands Across the Country Welcoming Visitors
The health and safety of visitors, volunteers, partners, and federal employees continue to be paramount as the Department Press Release restores public access to public lands again. President Trump recognizes the magnificence and grandeur of our National Park System and public lands and the incredible benefits of the great outdoors. Access to public lands continues to be evaluated in accordance with federal, state, and local public health guidance with some notable locations beginning to welcome visitors back this week.

Source : https://www.pressreleasepoint.com/case-you-missed-it-interior-continues-safely-restore-access-public-lands


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