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Last-Minute Tax Tips and Money-Saving Strategies With Patrice Washington on Tips on TV Blog

Posted 21 May-2020 01:26 PM by john | 1608

This year's tax season is different due to the pandemic. Tax day has moved to July 15. Experts are predicting many people will receive smaller refunds and some will be sent tax bills. Whatever the case, it just means that tax season is again getting off to a stressful start. Fortunately, TV Financial Expert and best-selling author Patrice Washington has some valuable information about surviving tax season. Patrice has written several books, including REAL MONEY ANSWERS FOR EVERY WOMAN: How to Win the Money Game With or Without a Man.

As someone who dug herself out of debt, Patrice likes to remind people that tax season is the perfect time to start an emergency fund. One recommendation is using SmartyPig. It is a free, high-yield website that is very easy to use. As most Americans will get a refund and the average tax refund is over $2,800, SmartyPig is great for people that are saving for specific goals like a down payment on a home, a dream vacation or starting a family. SmartyPig is FDIC insured and it comes with tracking tools, goal planners, helpful reminders, competitive interest rates, referral bonuses and more! For more information, visit www.SmartyPig.com 

Eliminate the stress of running to the store for more ink by being prepared. One recommendation is Epson's EcoTank Pro ET-5850 printer. It features cartridge-free printing and enough ink to print out thousands of pages. Users can conveniently copy, scan and fax important documents for filing, as well as easily print multiple hard copies of tax forms for safekeeping. Get it all done quickly while saving up to 80 percent on replacement ink. People who register online within 30 days, become eligible to receive free ink for up to two years! It takes a lot of the frustration out of tax season. For more information, visit Epson.com

It is smart to put tax refunds to good use by protecting oneself, family and assets by creating an estate plan. Do it online now, with a company like TrustandWill.com. They make it simple to create a fully customizable Will in as little as 10 minutes for only $69. It also includes Power of Attorney and Health Documents which are especially important during these current times. Homeowners or people who have over $150,000 in assets, should consider setting up a Trust-based estate plan which not only includes a Will, Power of Attorney and Health Documents, but also avoids the Probate process which can be months long and expensive process.

source - https://www.newswire.com/news/last-minute-tax-tips-and-money-saving-strategies-with-patrice-21148939


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