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Anjum Khanna – What is Muscular Atrophy

Posted 05 Jan-2021 03:04 PM by Anjum | 701

According to Anjum Khanna, Due to lack of physical activity, muscles waste away. At the point when a sickness or injury makes it troublesome or inconceivable for you to move an arm or leg, the absence of versatility can bring about muscle atrophy. Over the long haul, without customary development, your arm or leg can begin to seem more modest yet not more limited than the one you're ready to move. 

Now and again, muscle atrophy can be turned around with an appropriate eating routine, work out, or exercise based recuperation. Also you can get more information on Anjum Khanna Blogs.

Symptoms of Muscle Atrophy

Why it happens because,

  • One of your arms or legs is noticeably smaller than the other.
  • You're experiencing marked weakness in one limb.
  • You've been physically inactive for a very long time.

Call your Doctor to plan a total clinical treatment in the event that you trust you may have muscle atrophy or in the event that you can't move typically. You may have an undiscovered condition that requires treatment.

Causes of Muscle Atrophy 

  • lack of physical activity for an extended period of time
  • aging
  • alcohol-associated myopathy, a pain and weakness in muscles due to excessive drinking over long periods of time
  • burns
  • injuries, such as a torn rotator cuff or broken bones
  • malnutrition
  • spinal cord or peripheral nerve injuries
  • stroke
  • long-term corticosteroid therapy

Ayurvedic Treatment for Muscle Atrophy

Anjum khanna ayurvedic care provides best ayurvedic treatment for Muscular Atrophy. Our Ayurvedic Management Team of Muscular Atrophy treatment will include affirming legitimate sustenance to the muscle tissue and to exact the fire segment related with the solid tissue of the body guaranteeing fitting nourishment to the entire body and to the muscles specifically in this manner keeping a decent scope of development of the multitude of joints of the body and reinforcing them. Ayurvedic Management of comprehensive treatment, utilizing herbals, diet and yogic help delineate solid proof of extensive advantage for youngsters and grown-ups with neuro-strong inability and solid dystrophies. Ayurvedic spices defer the cycle of pulverization of muscles by improving Agni, which is a key factor needed to synthesize cellular protein.

Anjum Khanna ayurvedic therapies include udvartana with steam, abhyanga and swedam, dhanyamla dhara, nasya karma, karna pooranam, snehapanam which is followed by Virechanam, shiro vasti, shiro dhara, sarvanga dhara (Pizhichil), shiro pichu, thalam, navarakizhi, vasti (Mustadi raja yapana vasti), rasayana chikitsa. It also includes mud therapy and enema. Other therapies include meditation, pranayama, yoga, exercise, diet and lifestyle modification. 

Gentle yoga asanas and breathing exercises helps in strengthening the muscles, spine and helps to have good neuro-muscular fitness.

  • Tad asana
  • Padahastasana
  • Trikonasana
  • Vakrasana
  • Relaxation
  • Paschimottanasana
  • Vakrasana
  • Shashankasana
  • Pawanmuktasana
  • Ardha Shalabhasana


  • Left nostril breathing
  • Right nostril breathing
  • Sitali or Sitkari

About Anjum Khanna

Anjum Khanna The specialist of Ayurveda he completed his MD in Ayurveda at Gujarat Ayurved University (Jamnagar) and completed his Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery at Indian Institute of Ayurvedic Medicine & Research (IIAMR), Bangalore, Karnataka, India. His Clinic is situated in Srinagar because srinagar is the nature's beauty and this place is suitable for ayurvedic treatment. In Our Clinic many patients come here across the world.



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