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More People Turning to Psychics for Emotional Support During Lockdown Press Release News Updates

Posted 25 May-2020 02:46 PM by Billy | 878

Online psychic advisors from platforms such as Kasamba are busier than ever in these uncertain times. Owing to the lockdown that has taken hold of the world, many people are gradually becoming more emotionally vulnerable; having to juggle between harsh lockdowns, being isolated, and the reality of financial instability as companies have been forced to close. 

With this new reality, people are finding comfort by turning to psychic and spiritual advisors for guidance and clarity. Unsurprisingly, the isolation and lockdown have left many people with question marks regarding their future. Forced lockdowns have left many relationships strained. Additionally, some people cannot afford to go to clinical professionals as financial woes have also made an impact.

What's The Solution?

A top advisor from the world's leading online psychic platform, Kasamba, weighs in. Sascha White Owl has been working around the clock to comfort and guide people in recent weeks. She's had an influx of new clients recently, explaining, œBecause of the currently enforced lockdowns, people cannot leave their homes to seek guidance from clinical professionals such as psychologists and psychiatrists. She explains that while she works from home and all readings are solely done online, she has more time for her clients as her work allows her to do readings at any hour of the day.

Another psychic from Kasamba, Mystic Devin, says that thanks to his years of experience in mentoring people, he can quickly get to the issue at hand and guide a person to a more enlightened path. He adds, œWe all come from different walks of life. I've had wealthy CEOs turn to me for relationship advice and others turn to me for guidance and advice regarding their future and the security of their career. At the end of the day, the mental challenges that have surfaced thanks to these trying times, aren't discriminatory.  Everyone is mentally affected.

On the flipside, do these services make a positive impact on people? A couple of users who have chosen to remain anonymous have shared their views. Katy S. from New York gave some insights, explaining, œSince I'm in the epicenter here in the states, I found that I became a ball of anxiety overnight. I am in lockdown with my fiance and it was proving to be tough to juggle all these feelings and having someone with you 24/7. I started seeing many ˜flaws' in our relationship. I reached out to an online psychic and she shared ways to cope and look at things from a different perspective. I now am calmer, more empathetic, and I'm using my time to try new hobbies such as oil-painting.

Audrey S. from Austria lost her job and desperately needed advice and comfort on what her career would look like post-corona. œI reached out to a psychic who gave me insights about my career. She told me I could actually find a better job and explained that I should use my free time taking online courses to brush up on my accounting skills. The lockdown in Austria has been partially lifted and I have a great CV to send out!. I feel really confident right now.

Where To Find A Trusted Psychic Advisor?

Psychics like Mystic Devin and Sascha White Owl work through a unique platform that has been operating for 20 years and has garnered millions of 5-star ratings. Kasamba offers readings with hundreds of verified, experienced, and most-loved psychics. What's more, one can choose a psychic that is relevant to one's personal preferences, including budget and experience factors. It's important to note that using a third party platform is much safer as payments are secure while ensuring that users will always remain anonymous.

Source - https://www.newswire.com/news/more-people-turning-to-psychics-for-emotional-support-during-lockdown-21147368


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