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Bob Kraft Re-Elected IIUSA President for Fourth Consecutive Term

Posted 29 May-2020 05:48 PM by Kevin | 1710

FirstPathway Partners CEO and Chairman, Bob Kraft, accepted his re-election as IIUSA President for the fourth consecutive year, returning to serve the board for the 2020-2021 term. Following IIUSA's first-ever virtual membership meeting, members cast votes for the 2020 Board of Directors election.

As President of IIUSA's Board of Directors since 2017 and as an active member of the organization since 2008, Kraft consistently advocates for a long-term reauthorization of the EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program and promotes the program's history and future of job creation, growth and increased capital investment into the U.S. economy.

"I am proud to share with you the fact that I was re-elected as IIUSA President for the fourth time. I've been a board member since 2014 and have been involved as a member of IIUSA since 2008. To give a quick update in respect to what we're looking to work on in 2020, our priority is reauthorization of the EB-5 Regional Center Program," said Mr. Kraft. "We're looking for long-term reauthorization and our board and executive director are hard at work to achieve that. We are optimistic that by September 30th when the current program expires, we will have an acceptable long-term reauthorization for the program. Another main objective we are working on is the elimination of derivatives, which would expand the program by two thirds, effectively increasing the amount of capital that will come into the United States. It is especially important right now during this time of global crisis when American jobs have been hit hard and are so desperately needed."

Mr. Kraft leads both FirstPathway Partners and IIUSA with an extensive background in immigrant investor programs, global relations, U.S. job creation, and economic growth. As a successful entrepreneur with over 40 years of international business experience at the executive level, Kraft has been an active participant in the EB-5 industry since 2004. Throughout his time as an esteemed member of the EB-5 community, he has used his experience and vast network of business and government contacts to further IIUSA's mission, speaking to media and at conferences around the world on an array of topics.

Kraft has earned praise locally for driving economic growth and job creation through the EB-5 Program in the State of Wisconsin. His company, FirstPathway Partners, has brought clients through the entire lifecycle of the EB-5 immigration process on multiple projects earning support from politicians both locally and nationally. He has been featured on television, radio, in newspapers locally and internationally for his work in the EB-5 industry.

Kraft is grateful for the engagement of IIUSA members and extends congratulations on reelection to incumbents: Vice President, William Gresser, Secretary-Treasurer, Stephen Strnisha, and Directors Patrick Hogan and Joe McCarthy. Kraft looks forward to continuing to serve the board and the full membership through 2021.


Invest in the USA (IIUSA) is the national membership-based 501(c)(6) not-for-profit industry trade association for the EB-5 Regional Center Program. Members account for a vast majority of capital formation and job creation in the U.S. resulting from the EB-5 Program.

About FirstPathway Partners

FirstPathway Partners has assisted hundreds of immigrant investors from over 40 countries to become United States citizens through immigrant investor programs since 2008, raising millions of dollars for job-creating enterprises, and creating thousands of jobs for US workers.

Emily Collins
Marketing Associate
FirstPathway Partners



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