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International Association of Women Recognizes April Dew Boerger as a 2020-2021 Influencer Press Release News

Posted 25 May-2020 07:00 PM by Billy | 797

The International Association of Women (IAW) recognizes April Dew Boerger as a 2020-2021 Influencer. She is acknowledged as a leader in entrepreneurship. The International Association of Women (IAW) is a global in-person and online networking platform with more than 100 local chapters, international chapters and 1,000+ in-person and virtual events.

As an experienced sales and marketing professional, April Dew Boerger has been responsible for a large number of highly successful product launches. Throughout her career, her ability as an innovator who uses her skills to achieve every goal has garnered her many company and industry awards, including numerous President's Club, 2012 Nomination and Winner of Fighting Spirit Award for Perseverance, 2018 Gold Medal International Global Award and 2018 EADV Switzerland Team Winner.

œMy relationship and innovation skills are my superpowers, she said. Finding out-of-the-box solutions that are a win-win is my specialty. In my sales career, I have an unprecedented track record and have had historical growth in my market as well as nationally.

For the past six years, Ms. Boerger has held an executive sales role with Novartis Pharmaceuticals, managing a territory in Orange County, selling an anti-body used for psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. Three years ago, she founded The Deweffect Company. œI started in the dermatology industry after seeing how much of an impact your skin has on your confidence, she said.

As Founder, Ms. Boerger is responsible for every aspect of her business, from human resources to finance to sales and marketing. œLaunching products is another strength of mine, she noted. œMy sales and marketing background, coupled with my innovative mindset have yielded top results in every product I have launched in my career.

Admitting that bringing continuous and innovative value to her work is both exciting and rigorous, Ms. Boerger's goal is to grow The Deweffect Company into a thriving business. œIt will be focused on 360-degree wellness, she said. œI believe that not only does ˜great skin help you win' in every aspect of your life but that everyone needs and deserves total wellness in their life.

Education & Accomplishments: Bachelor's, University of Arizona Eller School of Business, Marketing; Kappa Kappa Gamma Alumni of the Gamma Zeta chapter; 2004 Stryker Award of the Year

About IAW
The International Association of Women (IAW) is a global in-person and online professional networking platform that provides women the forum, professional development and services needed to thrive in an interconnected world. Through 100+ local chapters, international chapters and 1,000+ in-person and virtual events, members cultivate valuable connections, develop professionally, and promote themselves and their businesses. Founded in Chicago in 2017, IAW is a division of Professional Diversity Network, Inc., an online network tailored to provide diverse professionals in the United States with access to employment opportunities.

Source - https://www.newswire.com/news/international-association-of-women-recognizes-april-dew-boerger-as-a-21143696


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Company Information

Company Name Contact Person Contact Number Email Id Website Address
INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF WOMEN 6537465847 Memberservices@iawomen.com https://www.iawomen.com/

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