• Home News Crittenton Services of Greater Washington Hosts 133rd Annual Celebration & Fundraiser Benefiting At-Risk

Crittenton Services of Greater Washington Hosts 133rd Annual Celebration & Fundraiser Benefiting At-Risk

Posted 19 Nov-2021 04:01 PM by lily | 2017

Today, Crittenton Services of Greater Washington, a nonprofit specializing in positive youth development to at-risk teens, will host its 133rd fundraiser. The 2021 theme, "Moments that Matter," will highlight the stories and resiliency of youth of color impacted by the pandemic. The virtual annual celebration will take place on Nov. 18, 2021, at 5:30 p.m. More information about the event can be found here.

"My parents had me in their teens, so I know what it's like to persevere in the face of tremendous challenges," said Siobhan Davenport, President & CEO of Crittenton Services of Greater Washington. "Black, brown, and immigrant girls from underserved communities have quietly carried an enormous burden during the pandemic. They've persevered despite the odds, from homelessness and grieving the loss of loved ones, to taking on additional caregiving responsibilities at home and in school. However, the pandemic is not over for them. This event shines a light on their strength, resiliency and raises money for Crittenton to remain a stabilizing force in the lives of these girls at this critical moment in their development."

Crittenton partners with schools to run multi-year social-emotional learning and holistic development programs for over 600 6th-12th grade girls. They live in communities with the highest violence and poverty rates and lowest academic achievement rates in the region. Still, the organization achieved a 100% graduation rate and 99% continuation rate among its girls, even at schools with 50% graduation rates. In addition, 83% of program alumnae pursued post-secondary education, including the military, vocational schools, and two-year colleges or universities.

"The moment that mattered to me was the day I realized that everyone cares at Crittenton," said Hownisha Reed, a Crittenton program alumna. "So many people in my life had let me down, and I didn't have the capacity to trust people. But the Crittenton team became the trusted and caring adults in my life. They opened me up to learn about myself, about life, and do things I never thought were possible."

The virtual event will also honor five female leaders and trailblazers from the region, including: 

Carisa Stanley Beatty, First Vice President, Amalgamated Bank,
Sindy Marisol Benavides, Chief Executive Officer, League of United Latin American Citizens,
Kate Goodall, Co-founder & CEO, Halcyon,
Karima Woods, Commissioner, District of Columbia Department of Insurance, Securities & Banking, 
and Jessica Rosenworcel, the first female chair of the Federal Communications Commission. 
"I am so honored to join the Crittenton team for another year celebrating our amazing women," said Bryan Tramont, Crittenton Board Member and Co-Chair of the annual celebration. "In a pandemic year, Crittenton's critical services have made a difference in the lives of so many young women across the D.C. region. Tonight's honorees are difference makers in their own rights in business, public policy, and within the nonprofit organizations they have transformed."

Crittenton Services of Greater Washington (CSGW) is the top leadership, empowerment, and advocacy nonprofit for at-risk youth and teen girls of color in Washington, D.C., and Maryland. CSGW partners with schools to run multi-year social and emotional learning programs that teach girls the skills to have healthy relationships, excel in school, and grow into confident and resilient young women. Learn more about the organization at www.crittentonservices.org.
Source: https://www.newswire.com/news/crittenton-services-of-greater-washington-hosts-133rd-annual-21557931


Black girls, child tax credit, diversity and inclusion, DMV news, education, education philanthrophy, event, K-12, nonprofit, SEL, youth development Low Cost Press Release Distribution Websites, Affordable Press Release Website, Free Press Release Site, Free Press Release Service, Free Press Release

Company Information

Company Name Contact Person Contact Number Email Id Website Address
Crittenton Services of Greater Washington 301-565-9333 info@crittentonservices.org https://crittentonservices.org/

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