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"Jonas Madsen: The Founder of Anti-Joy Working on New Music Merch Store Called Shusic"

Posted 04 Mar-2022 09:05 PM by Sajad | 1804

Jonas Madsen (born November 29, 2002) is a Danish entrepreneur, computer programmer, and environmentalist who founded numerous online businesses.

He started his programming journey in Visual Basic (.NET) at seven years old. At the age of fourteen, he formed an interest in web development. Throughout his life, he started a couple of businesses. Most of which never really came to fruition or failed early on. These were Instagram automation tools, game server hosting (Penalty-Networks, formerly Cosmos-Networks), a record label (Deep Sound Records).

 His current and most successful business, Anti-Joy, was originally a subsidiary of Deep Sound Records until he decided to dissolve Deep Sound Records and focus on Anti-Joy, due to his belief in the vision the project shared. When Anti-Joy launched, he was just eighteen years old. One of the most essential elements of all his businesses was superior customer service and transparency.Jonas Madsen believes Anti-Joy became successful due to his vast belief and dedication to the business. Currently, he is actively expanding and developing his business and developing a subsidiary of Anti-Joy, which will be a worldwide music merchandise and download store named Shusic. He's also working on a book on climate change about how environmentalists neglect science in favor of emotions.He started his programming journey in Visual Basic (.NET) at seven years old. At the age of fourteen, he formed an interest in web development. Throughout his life, he started a couple of businesses. Most of which never really came to fruition or failed early on. These were Instagram automation tools, game server hosting (Penalty-Networks, formerly Cosmos-Networks), a record label (Deep Sound Records).

 His current and most successful business, Anti-Joy, was originally a subsidiary of Deep Sound Records until he decided to dissolve Deep Sound Records and focus on Anti-Joy, due to his belief in the vision the project shared. When Anti-Joy launched, he was just eighteen years old.


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Company Information

Company Name Contact Person Contact Number Email Id Website Address
Anti-Joy +4593921110 support@antijoy.club https://antijoy.club/

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