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3% Clioquinol Cream: A Likely Zinc Medication for Preventing and Treating COVID-19 Infectionsj

Posted 16 Jul-2020 04:41 AM by Leslie | 783

          An effective chemotherapy that terminates this virus and/or its infection has not existed. Administrators at NIAID, FDA, CDC, and others in the medical and political communities have focused on the need for a medication to prevent and/or treat the COVID-19 infection. That effort will likely take up to 2 years to achieve. 

           In the meantime, chloroquine/hydroxychloroquine continued as the interim treatment for COVID-19 infections; despite the absence of corroborating clinical studies of its successful treatment for COVID-19 infections.  Instead, the following reports [1-8] have refuted the claims of chloroquine/hydroxychloroquine effective treatment of infected patients.            

          The failure of chloroquine/hydroxychloroquine treatment has led to a race to be first with a cure for COVID-19.   Most claims of successful treatments for Covid-19 infections have been anecdotal and uncorroborated. They have not been subjected to the evaluation and scrutiny required for the publication in a reputable journal.  Even those that are published, most often do not adhere to the conditions required for the œscientific method approach and its conclusions. The consequence is represented by the admonition of Claude Bernard (the œfather" of the scientific method ): œIf men (or women) discuss and experiment to prove a preconceived idea in spite of everything, they no longer have freedom of mind, and they no longer search for truth. That is applicable to most COVID-19 treatment reports, which are not consistent with the scientific method approach.  

          Dr. Anthony Fauci (the NIH/NIAID Director) subsequently recognized the failure of   chloroquine/hydroxychloroquine treatment.  He is now promoting remdesivir as the interim treatment, while awaiting the development of new medications.  Remdesivir decreases the recovery time for COVID-19 patients from 15 to 11 days (27%) [9] (https://www.mdedge.com/hematology-oncology/article/221518/coronavirus-updates/remdesivir-now-standard-care-covid-19-fauci).  Remdesivir interferes with the replication of the virus. However, it does not terminate the infection or the coronavirus. 

However, thousands of new cases and deaths will occur before new drugs are available. That would be avoided by the treatment with 3% Clioquinol Cream, which already exists.    Animal model studies [10] demonstrated that clioquinol treatment results in 85% inhibition of human prostate cancer tumor growth. That information provided the basis for employing 3% Clioquinol Cream in the treatment of a patient with terminal advanced prostate cancer. It resulted in the termination of the malignancy; the first case report [11] of a successful treatment for that malignancy. For two years since the treatment, the patient has no adverse side effects, and he has resumed his normal activities. 

The basis for that successful treatment is that, compared to normal cells, malignant cells exhibit decreased zinc and the downregulation of their zinc-uptake transporter. That malignant transformation prevents the uptake and accumulation of the high zinc level that exists in the normal cells; but is cytotoxic in the malignant cells.  Therefore, an agent that facilitates the transport of zinc will terminate the malignancy.  

Clioquinol is a zinc ionophore that has the ideal properties to deliver achieve zinc cytotoxicity.      ZnClioquinol has a zinc-binding affinity of logKf=7-8; which is ideal for the competitive binding of most of the plasma zinc that exists in the exchangeable ZnLigands. When 3% Clioquinol Cream Cream is massaged into the skin, the clioquinol is absorbed into the blood plasma; and it binds to the exchangeable zinc.  ZnClioquinol is delivered to the malignancy site and binds to the cell membrane. The zinc is transferred from ZnClioquinol into the cytosol. There, the zinc binds to the ligands that result in cytotoxic effects, and terminate the malignancy. 

Support is also provided by the Krenn et al 1999 report [12], which concluded:  œWe provide evidence that both pyrithione and hinokitiol (zinc ionophores) inhibit replication of picornaviruses by impairing viral polyprotein processing. The basis of the antiviral activity is dependent upon the availability of zinc ions. We show that the import of extracellular zinc ions is a key feature of the common antiviral property of these compounds.  The advantageous zinc ionophore properties of clioquinol enhances the expectation that 3% Clioquinol Cream will be an efficacious medication for the prevention and treatment of Covid-19 infections, and will induce coronavirus cytotoxicity and death. 

In contrast, chloroquine zinc ionophore (ZnChloroquine) has a logKf=5-6.  Consequently, it competitively binds with much less zinc that is delivered to the malignant site.  That is a reason for the ambivalent, if any, effects of chloroquine/hydroxychlororquine. The poor zinc ionophore properties of chloroquine/hydroxychlororquine dictate that it should not be promoted for the treatment of COVID-19.  Instead, 3% Clioquinol Cream is more effective and should be recommended.  

              An issue of clioquinol toxicity is often raised.  It is based on an occurrence of subacute myelo-optic neuropathy (SMON) in a Japanese population around 1980 that was experiencing an epidemic of intestinal amoebiasis.   Publications [13,14] that reviewed the incident established that SMON was not linked to clioquinol in other populations; or even in Japan, aside from this one incident.  They established that the excessive use of 250 mg clioquinol tablets was the cause of the SMON; and concluded: œOver-readiness to accept postulated toxic effects of medicines and chemicals as proven is likely to do at least as much harm as good to the individual and the community health. 


Summary:  Collectively, the information provides extensive evidence that 3% Clioquinol Cream will be an effective and safe chemotherapy for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19 infections. The administrators at the FDA, CDC, NIH NIAID, and other members of the medical community, and the political community should consider that:

¢         1. Hydroxychloroquine has been revealed to be ineffective as an efficacious chemotherapy for the treatment of COVID-19 infections.

·                2. Administrators at FDA, CDC, NIAID, and others subsequently recognized the above relationships; and no longer promote chloroquine/hydroxychloroquine.

·                3. Remdesivir is now promoted for the treatment of COVID-19 in interferes with the replication of the virus. It does not terminate the infection or the coronavirus.  It is the interim treatment until new medications are developed.

·                4. It is not necessary to wait 1-2 years for the development of effective new medications; during which time, thousands of COVID-19 cases and deaths will occur in the U.S. and worldwide.

·            5. 3% Clioquinol Cream is an efficacious treatment for malignancy.

¢         6.  3% Clioquinol Cream should also be an effective chemotherapy for COVID-1 infections.       

¢         7.  Without further delay, physicians can prescribe 3% Clioquinol Cream for the œoff label and œright to try treatment for COVID-19 infection. 

·                8. If successful, the FDA should proceed with clinical trials for approving 3% Clioquinol Cream specifically for the treatment of COVID-19 infections.



1. Colson P, Rolain JM, Raoult D.  Chloroquine for the 2019 novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. Internat J Antimicrob Agents. 55: 1-2, 2020.

2. Gatlin A.  Covid Report: A Trump-Touted Malaria Drug Flops In Coronavirus Treatment. Invest Business Daily; Apr 24, 2020

3. Ferner RE, Aronson JK. The Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine develops, promotes and disseminates better evidence for healthcare. April 14, 2020.

4. Kasprak A. Has Dr. Zelenko Successfully Treated 669 Coronavirus Patients?  Snopes; Mar 30, 2020

5. Di Tranic L,  Donatelli I, Cauda R, Cassone A. New insights into the antiviral effects of chloroquine. The Lancet Infect Dis; 6: 67-69, 2006

6. Wang M, Cao R, Zhang L, Yang X,  Liu J, Xu M, Shi Z, Hu Z, Zhong W, Xiao G. Remdesivir and chloroquine effectively inhibit the recently emerged novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in vitro. Cell Research 30:269“271, 2020

7.  Lowe D.  Hydroxychloroquine Update For April 6. In the Pipeline. Science Translat Med;  6 April, 2020.


8.   Savarino A, Di TranicIs L,   Donatelli B, Cauda R, Cassone A.  New insights into the antiviral effects of chloroquine. The Lancet Infect Dis;  667-669:   , February 2006, Pages

9.  Fox M, Gumbrecht J, Yan H, Klein B. FDA will reportedly authorize use of remdesivir for Covid-19 after trial shows 'positive effect' on recovery time. CNN Health; April 30, 2020


10. Costello LC, Franklin RB, Zou J, Naslund MJ. Evidence that Human Prostate Cancer is a ZIP1-Deficient Malignancy that could be Effectively Treated with a Zinc Ionophore (Clioquinol) Approach. Chemotherapy (Los Angel); 4:152,2015.

11. Costello LC, Franklin RB, Yu GW. A Novel Patient Case Report to Show the Successful Termination of Untreatable Androgen-independent Prostate Cancer: Treatment with Cabergoline (Dopamine agonist). Mathews J Case Rep; 4:42,2019.

12. Krenn BM, Gaudernak E, Holzer B, Lanke K, Van Kuppeveld FJM, Seipelt J. Antiviral activity of the zinc ionophores pyrithione and hinokitiol against picornavirus infections. J Virol; 83:58“64, 2009.

13. Bareggi SR, Cornelli U. Clioquinol: review of its mechanisms of action and clinical uses in neurodegenerative disorders. CNS Neurosci Ther. 2012;18(1):4146, 2012.

14. Mao X, Schimmer AD. The Toxicology of Clioquinol. Toxicol. Letters; 182:1-6, 2008.


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