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Strategic Plan and Tips for NEET SS

Posted 11 Oct-2021 04:13 PM by neet ss | 798

Superspeciality exams have a different level.

NEET SS Exams are now different from previous exams. Much modification has been made by NBE which governs the setting of papers and all other modalities of exam preparation.

In sharp contrast to pencil and paper based exams now The NEET SS exams comprising of both Dm and Mch Exams are conducted via CBT (Computer Based Tests) conducted online.

The neet ss test series Aspirants need to be aware of the fact that they should be updated with all latest information about the exams.


By the end of the preparation in general the NEET   SS students should be able to

Understand and explain the basic concepts of general anatomy, physiology, pathology, microbiology, general pharmacology and   all subjects which are basic. Most students get questions on basics wrong and they concentrate mostly on clinical aspects.

Emphasis on signs and symptoms of disease, genetic aspects, molecular mechanisms, causative factors, methods of prevention of disease, treatment of disease via different modalities is also of immense significance.


NBE has improved the level of exams by getting amore standard Question bank. The level of questions is improving every year for all Dm and Mch Specialities.


What our Experts Suggest is mentioned below in the form of examples


Latest Pattern of Questions Tested


Taking Example of Downs Syndrome in Dm Pediatrics, A Dm Aspirant should have clear knowledge of:


·        Explain the meaning of terms like congenital malformation, genetic disease and related terms like hereditary, familial etc.

·        Explain the structure, types and functions of chromosomes.

·        List the numerical and structural abnormalities of chromosomes.

·        List the risk factors for Down's syndrome.

·        Enumerate signs and symptoms of Down's syndrome.

·        Identify in clinical photographs/slides etc. the features of Down's syndrome.

·        List the conditions associated with Down's syndrome.

·        Explain the special needs for children with the syndrome.

·        List the investigative procedures available for antenatal and perinatal diagnosis of the syndrome.


For a Mch Aspirant about Fibro adenoma of Breast He should have Basic Understanding of


·        Differences between neoplastic and non-neoplastic growths

·        List the differences in particular between inflammatory and non-inflammatory swellings.

·        Mention the characteristics of benign tumors.

·        List the features that would make them suspect that a particular lump is malignant.

·        Know about the gross and microscopic features of fibroadenoma of the breast.

·        Identify the gross and microscopic features of a fibroadenoma when shown slides, specimens of such lesions.

·        Describe the behavior of fibroadenoma of the breast.



Topic of General interest for both Dm and Mch

Example : Neurofibromatosis


§  List the different modes of inheritance

§  Know about terms like  complete penetrance, variable expressivity, mutation, allele.

§  Know about the pathology of neurofibromatosis type I; pathogenesis, diagnostic criteria, morphology of the neurofibromas, and complications of these lesions.

§  Mention the difference between NF1 and NF2

§  Know about the NF1 gene, and explain its role in NF1.

§  Know about oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes. 

§  Know about other benign and malignant tumors associated with neurofibromatosis type I


Examples of Some Basic Topics Highly asked which students don't concentrate on much


·        Apoptosis

·        Physiology of Hormone Secretion  For Dm Students

·        Electrolyte imbalances

·        Homeostasis

·        Medical Emergencies

·        Doses of Drugs

·        New Treatment Modalities

·        Eponym Names

·        Interpretation of Lab Values

·        Basic Surgical Anatomy for Mch Students

·        Carcinogenesis

·        Cell cycle

·        Chemical mediators of inflammation

·        Chromosomal Abnormalities

·        Epidemiology of infectious diseases

·        Modes of Inheritance

·        Necrosis & gangrene Pathophysiology

·        Non-neoplastic growth disorders like hyperplasia, metaplasia, dysplasia, hamartoma etc.

·        The Inflammatory response

·        Wound healing

This conveys the fact that a proper concept of specialty a student is appearing for should be there as every mark matters. Student should start preparation in time and not be late.

Competition in every neet ss test series Branch is getting tougher day by day and especially to get a seat in good hospitals, good ran and merit is essential.

Online Programmes are very helpful and make students more confident.

Students should practice as much as possible to get higher ranks.


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