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Get A Mentor To Change The Course of Life

Posted 17 Nov-2020 09:17 PM by My Fit | 1707

Scholars comment that œpsychology is the branch of science that deals with life, death and in-between, this branch of study has gained a lot of importance in recent times. The turmoils in the minds of men in modern times have been creating havoc at work. Today the ordinary people are so much stressed with various aspects of life that they need constant mentoring and backup. There are many centers which provide psychological help and hold the hands when everything seems to be out of control.

Why do need a psychologist?

As mentioned, the world is pestered with mental health issues. Alone in India, there are as many as 42 to 43percent of the populace who are affected by mental issues. Depression and the stress are two of the most common and virile mental problems that are tormenting the Indians of today. Almost 48 per cent of Indians are affected by anxiety disorders. It has been estimated that depression health issues are predominant mostly among teenagers and youngsters. Recent studies proposed by WHO says that one in four teenagers are suffering from some mental health problems.

The mental health disorder is an alarming worldwide pandemic

As the scientists claim, mental health problems are much more problematic and an issue of a concern than the ongoing pandemic. The neurological or mental disorder cannot let a person at peace. It is continually taunting and disturbing his regularities. The vicious cycle of anxiety, depression and hopelessness are increasing day by day. The situations have been so aggravated in modern times that the governments of various nations are setting up unique bodies to cater to mental health disorders.

Mental health disorder: a case study and a literature review

A widespread and recent case study regarding the dangers of mental health disorder is found in WHO chronicles:

Richard was a man of 34 years, and of late, he was seen to be behaving strangely. He often muttered to himself and acted strangely. He secluded from everyone and did not entertain visits. He was a fit man with no medical history of any disease. Occasional fevers and headaches were things that he generally had. His abnormality was brought to the doctors, and finally, he was diagnosed to be suffering from an acute anxiety disorder.

Emily was a beautiful girl of 24. She dressed beautifully and was admired by the folks of her city. Her father was too possessive of her and did not get her hand to marriage. She was alone after her father's death. It was then when she got Baron, her beloved. Soon enough did she understand that Baron had no intentions of marrying her. Suddenly Baron was no longer seen in town. It was only after the death of Emily that it was discovered that she had murdered her beloved and was living with his corpse for a long time.

The second incident is cited from the famous story œa Rose for Emily by Richard Faulkner. In the cases, fact and fiction, man's outward appearance did not correlate with the internal appearances. What the person seemed did not quite match with what the person really is. Mental disorders like OCD, schizophrenia and others are constant trouble to the modern-day youth.

Why is mental illness increasing?

The advent of technologies has improved our lifestyle. Yet the excessive dependence on the gadgets and the technologies have also destroyed our mental state. Today the populace is suffering from the Electronic screen syndrome. Most of the youth of modern times are not affined to make friends and play outdoor games. They prefer staying in their own house and surfing the social media in mobile phones. This is a dangerous thing that is making the minds depressed. Lack of friends and companions is making man unhappy and depriving tranquillity of life of him. Then there are the parental pressures, the peer pressures and the performance pressures. Today the generation has been forcefully engaged in a rat race. Everybody is rushing to achieve something that is often more than the capacity of a sole individual. The expectation index is usually higher than in reality. Perpetual failures to achieve the dream are making a man depressed. There is no leisure. Everybody is rushing. This rush is denuding and devastating mental health. The young adults are the ones mostly affected as all the pressures are mostly infringed on them. They have no life of their own. The devised life plan that society, parents and peer pressure offer them are making them virile and prone to mental disorders. The situation is very alarming and needs urgent remedy. The psychological experts are thus finding out new ways and means to treat these mental issues with care.

What a person needs when in mental pain?

What a person lacks when he or she is in mental pain, is more important a question than asking what he or she needs when under mental trauma. Often the thing which is desired is companionship. Studies show that all around the globe, the major problem for all the mental disorders is the lack of proper companionship. Man, as an animal, needs love and care. Man is a social animal. Yet his means and measures have made him a-social. The man had devised certain things that bar him from interaction in real life. Thus what a person lacks most is love, care and companionship. The psychologists allow that mental balm. Some specialized drugs are prescribed to calm the astounded and tormented nerves. What is mostly needed is patient hearing and companionship. A good psychologist is a great listener. Drugs are just short term remedies. Most of the drugs are useful in calming the nervous system a bit, and most of them are sleeping drugs. The excellent psychologist shall cater to the needs of the patient and hear to him or her with eagerness. The psychologist shall be a wall on which the tormented soul can depend. The doctor shall be the shade under which the restless person can rest. The psychoanalyst must give room to his patient and make him or her companion with all compassion and love. This is the primary task of a psychologist. He or she must be able to gain the trust of the person. By delving in the deepest crevices of the mind, the excellent psychologist must be able to eradicate all complications and make a person calm and relaxed.

How to trust a great psychologist

There are many centers that provide the requisite health. The internet today is flocked with such sites. Yet, one must judge before selecting. The experience and the reputation of the company or organization must be thoroughly checked. The experience, knowledge and qualification of the doctor are to be examined before taking any decision.

Myfitbrain is a group of such eligible people. This institute has many online life-changing programs with some of the best psychoanalysts in the country. They are one of the leaders in the society and provide counselling through phone calls, chat rooms and video conferences. Their website, https://myfitbrain.in/, can always be accessed for help and registration. They have assisted a lot of people to date.

Contact Information:-

Name - Neha Mehta
Email - help@myfitbrain.in
Phone - 9050232637
Address - Opp Civil Hospital, Sirsa Road, Hisar, Haryana, India


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Company Information

Company Name Contact Person Contact Number Email Id Website Address
My Fit Brain 9050232637 help@myfitbrain.in https://myfitbrain.in/

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