• Home News Mohit Kumar An Emerging Social Media Marketing Specialist And Co-founder Of Neyo Media & Founder Of Zoid Media

Mohit Kumar An Emerging Social Media Marketing Specialist And Co-founder Of Neyo Media & Founder Of Zoid Media

Posted 27 Apr-2022 01:06 AM by Neyo | 1197

In the competitive era of marketing, Social media marketing is a boom for professional organizations. Due to such competitions, the role of social media marketing specialists is very important.

Let us know about the 19-year-old, Patna-based emerging Social Media Marketing specialist and PR agency Co-founder - Mohit Kumar. He started his journey during his graduation days. Currently, he is pursuing Masters's in Business Administration from DEI Dayalbagh, Agra. He applied all his potential in gaining knowledge, executing plans, and taking timely follow-ups. He developed skills in analyzing analytical tools that are familiar for social media marketing. He used to track performance, analyze trends and mitigate digital risk. His talent and dedication are quite an apart because along having the Co-founder of NEYO MEDIA he also runs his organization named - Zoid Media (a Social Media Marketing company and PR Company).

His Content creation ideas and innovations make him unique. His content design and writing skills are major causes of differences from others.

Before entering this sector he worked as a freelancer to gain experience. He put his understanding into managing different social sites such as Facebook, Twitter,  Instagram, and many more. Today he and his team run a successful social media marketing organization named Neyo Media and Zoid Media. His clients are from all over the world like Israel, Dubai, Canada, the UK, Russia, etc. His team manages the overall social media strategies, having a professional team of copywriters and publishers to create and publish social media posts.

His team always stays up-to-date with any new social media trends, laws, and best practices. Both Media companies is a professional name for providing all services. It's providing a brand value to the organizations. As it results in increasing the company revenue and overall market. Promotions are a traditional strategy for gaining an audience and achieving the targets but in terms of social media marketing, these promotions are highly effective. This way leads to reaching the most numbers of people in a very short period.

Both Media teams applied a planned way focusing on desired results. Networking is very important in this procedure, and his team had a focus on this by giving PR support. He develops a positive trust of clients from all over the world. His team looks after making an address organization. The team focuses on releasing and maintaining the client's social outlook.

Today MOHIT KUMAR is a great achiever in this sector and Neyo Media and Zoid Media is the fine examples of his efforts. The journey of success continues and a lot more success stories are going to be written.

Coming from a small city his works are appreciable. Success story yet to be described.

Instagram Neyo Media - @neyomedia URL - https://www.instagram.com/neyomedia/

Instagram Zoid Media - @zoidmedia URL - https://www.instagram.com/zoidmedia/

For more information visit the mentioned URL - https://instagram.com/mohit_gupta1869?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=



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Company Information

Company Name Contact Person Contact Number Email Id Website Address
Neyo Media - neyomedia1@gmail.com https://www.instagram.com/neyomedia/

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