• Home News Pointe Bello Welcomes William J. Haynes II as First Distinguished Advisor

Pointe Bello Welcomes William J. Haynes II as First Distinguished Advisor

Posted 23 May-2020 02:30 PM by Lisa | 1823

Pointe Bello LLC, a Texas-based strategic intelligence firm, welcomed William J. œJim Haynes II as the inaugural member of the company's advisory board.

œWe are thrilled to announce Jim as Pointe Bello's first distinguished advisor, said Patrick Jenevein, founder and chief executive officer of Pointe Bello. œJim's extensive experience and leadership in information technology, national security, energy, biotechnology, and other fields adds juice to this upstart, mission-driven company.

With offices in Dallas and Washington, DC, Pointe Bello's multilingual team blends seasoned analysis with technology to deliver cutting edge competitive intelligence and winning strategies for its customers. Pointe Bello's advisors will provide independent insights and 360-degree perspectives to the company's executive team.

œLeaders in both the commercial and public sectors face enormous challenges delivering results while mitigating risks, said Haynes. œPointe Bello's world-class, competitive, and strategic intelligence gives leaders unique advantages to make more informed decisions, especially in difficult times like these. I look forward to helping Pointe Bello expand its reach and impact.

œUnderstanding the complex intersections of commercial and national security interests is essential in today's global marketplace, said Amanda Schnetzer, Pointe Bello's chief operating officer. œJim Haynes has mastered that challenge at the highest levels of government and business. We are better as a nation for it”and honored to welcome him as a Pointe Bello advisor.

About William J. Haynes II

Haynes provides strategic counsel to public and private entities and serves on various nonprofit boards, including the National Security Institute of the Antonin Scalia Law School at George Mason University, the Greater New York Councils of the Boy Scouts of America, the Naval Postgraduate School, and the Supreme Court Historical Society. From 2016-2018, he was executive vice president, general counsel, and secretary of CSRA Inc., eventually shepherding CSRA's sale to General Dynamics Corporation for $9.7 billion.

Prior to CSRA, Haynes served in executive roles with SIGA Technologies, Chevron Corporation, General Dynamics, and was twice a partner in the law firm Jenner & Block. Haynes held Senate-confirmed, presidentially appointed offices as General Counsel of the Department of Defense and Director of the Defense Legal Services Agency (2001-2008), as well as General Counsel of the Department of the Army (1990-1993). He is a graduate of Davidson College and Harvard Law School.

About Pointe Bello

Pointe Bello is a strategic intelligence firm with offices in Dallas and Washington, DC. The company's team of corporate executives, legal and policy experts, and seasoned researchers uses deep expertise and business acumen with markets and governments the world over, including and especially China, to help leaders balance risk with an incisive understanding of their competitive landscape.

Source:      http://www.prweb.com/releases/pointe_bello_welcomes_william_j_haynes_ii_as_first_distinguished_advisor/prweb17139530.htm


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Company Information

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POINTE BELLO 44552586 lisa2020james@gmail.com https://www.pointebello.com/

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