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Nextep Proves to Be a Valuable Partner During Crisis Press Release News In United States

Posted 22 May-2020 12:50 PM by Billy | 1495

No one was really prepared for a pandemic. For many businesses around the U.S., navigating legislative changes while managing a newly remote workforce presented a unique challenge. PEOs, like Nextep, can help businesses survive all of those changes.

A professional employer organization (PEO) provides technology and HR services to businesses including payroll, benefits, and risk and compliance. Oklahoma-based PEO Nextep works to relieve employers' administrative burdens so they can get back to running their business. 

œWe're really proud to partner with small businesses. They're the backbone of this country, and now, more than ever, it's important that America's small businesses stay strong. We're here to be a part of that solution, said Brian Fayak, Nextep president and CEO.

Nextep's teams deployed free resources to help small businesses understand new legislation, apply for loans, and implement best practices. They hosted weekly webinars during March and April and continue to host bi-weekly webinars to answer questions and offer guidance. Nextep also shares blogs about the CARES Act, H.R. 6201, tips for a remote workforce, and more

During a crisis like COVID-19, PEOs assist businesses with navigating legislation changes, offer expert HR advice for the new normal, and provide helpful technology. For their clients, Nextep provided additional HR support and assistance with loan applications and managing a changing workforce. With their mobile app, Nextep was able to serve clients anytime, anywhere, and on any device. Nextep is also an IRS certified PEO, ESAC accredited, SOC 1 Type 2 certified, and a nine-time Best Place to Work in Oklahoma award winner.

œNextep goes above and beyond, you are not just a number ” you are truly family. They find ways to solve your issues like they are sitting in your office. They understand the circumstances and are part of the team resolving them, said Shawna, a Nextep client. œAll of us small businesses need [them] more than ever during this crazy time! 

From natural disasters to global pandemics, emergencies happen, and there's no better time to evaluate and formalize a plan moving forward. Nextep has seen and survived disasters like these and is ready to help businesses plan, prepare, and survive the next crisis. 

About Nextep

As a CPEO, Nextep provides small and mid-sized companies access to big-company benefits and HR services, which can help them become premier employers. With Nextep as a partner, businesses have comprehensive HR, benefits, payroll, and risk and compliance solutions without the burden of the administrative duties. For more info on how a PEO helps a business, visit nextep.com/services/peo.

The IRS does not endorse any particular certified professional employer organization. For more information on certified professional employer organizations, please visit IRS.gov.

Source - https://www.newswire.com/news/nextep-proves-to-be-a-valuable-partner-during-crisis-21149627


Human Resources, best place to work, COVID-19 Latest updates, HR Norman News, PEO resources technology, Latest press release news, united press release, Nextep, professional employer organization, Brian Fayak Cheap Press Release Distribution Services, Cheap Press Release Distribution Site, Free Press Release Website, Free Press Release, Press Release

Company Information

Company Name Contact Person Contact Number Email Id Website Address
NEXTEP 4059282318 chrencher@nextep.com https://nextep.com

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