Posted 23 Oct-2020 10:57 PM by Pro | 2385

We at Genpro Research are conducting analysis on the available research data to recognize the molecules that can be repurposed for COVID-19. As part of this exercise, we identified Favipiravir (Favilavir) as early as Feb-2020. However, unavailability of results from >85% of favipiravir completed clinical trials in registries or in published papers prevented the pooling of data and conducting a meta-analysis to generate conclusive evidence to support a recommendation of Favipiravir use in COVID-19 or know about its safety and efficacy profile. Our VP of Medical Writing, Dr. Kapil M Khambholja published an article in Elsevier's journal to share the observations to the scientific fraternity. The article is titled as œPotential repurposing of Favipiravir in COVID-19 outbreak based on current evidence and can be located at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tmaid.2020.101710

Dr. Kapil & co-author Dr. Asudani from the University of California, San Diego, USA summarise key points: œMany such promising drugs can be overlooked by scientific panels due to lack of conclusive evidence, especially when expedited repurposing and approval of therapeutics effective in pandemic is needed. We might already have available drugs with significant potential to curb the spread of new Coronavirus and prevent significant morbidity and mortality. The authors conclude that reporting of all available results and evidence from past clinical trials, even if it indicates failure of interventions evaluated, must be ensured for enabling timely repurposing of effective therapeutics based on scientific evidence from past. Absence of published results from past clinical trials not only hinders future evidence-based research but also may violate data transparency norms set by several countries and undermine ethical standards overall. Through this mini review evaluating prior and ongoing clinical trials on Favipiravir, it is urged that the findings of these trials be made available and disseminated to the scientific community so that it may facilitate timely and crucial understanding of Favipiravir as a potential therapeutic option during COVID-19 pandemic


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