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famous interventional radiology doctor |

Posted 24 Aug-2020 06:40 PM by sridhar | 820

Interventional Radiology is the latest frontier in Medicine, paving new ways and methods of treatment options all done
through a 3mm hole in a vessel. Medicine is evolving continuously at a tremendous speed adding years to average
life span, unraveling new diseases, and complex presentations. Increased access to technology, restricted physical
activities, unhealthy lifestyle are contributing to the constant increase in lifestyle-related disorders such as obesity,
varicose veins, high blood pressure and other associated diseases from an earlier age.
Similar to the way all the gadgets have become more sleek and sophisticated, surgical procedures too have become
more advanced to a point of day-care solutions being offered to many diseases. In this regard Interventional
Radiology has been a torchbearer, imbibing the innovations and uses image guidance in providing minimally invasive
and laser accurate targeted therapies. The spectrum of Interventional Radiology includes pain management,
peripheral vascular disease, men's & woman's health, cancer and stoke management. An interventional radiologist
provides emergency care like controlling internal bleeder (Embolization) and also electively increasing flow to a nonhealing ulcer on foot (Angioplasty). An Interventional Radiologist works in close association with other care providers
to provide an integrated care, and adds significantly to the armamentarium especially when the options are
significantly limited.
Almost all the procedures are done under local anesthesia, thereby surgically unfit patients are also taken care of,
warding off the risks associated with anesthesia and prolonged stay in the hospital, hence the costs involved are
minimized and rapid recovery is ensured. Interventional Radiology uses the imaging modules such as ultrasound, CT
and C-arm (X-Rays), and with aid of wires and catheters reaches the target organs via the blood vessels by entering
through a small prick of 3mm. The hazards associated with radiation are kept to the lowest possible by constant
application of evolving technology and other protective measures.
Therapeutic effect refers to the response(s) after a treatment of any kind, the results of which are judged to be useful
or favorable. This is true whether the result
ƒ˜ Varicose Veins-Endovenous Laser Ablation & Venaseal
ƒ˜ Acute DVT-Mechanical Thrombectomy and Thrombolysis
ƒ˜ Acute Arterial Ischemia-Mechanical Thrombectomy and Thrombolysis
Palliative care is a term derived from Latin palliare, "to cloak." It is focused on provi ding people with relief
from the symptoms, pain, and stress of a serious illness”whatever the prognosis. The goal is to improve
the quality of life for both the patient and the family as they are the central system for care ..
ƒ˜ AV Fistula Salvage
ƒ˜ PTBD with Stenting for malignant structures/
ƒ˜ Vertebroplasty for Osteoporotic fractures and painful Metastasis
ƒ˜ Cementoplasty for painful Metastasis
Ask Dr Devu | Best Interventional radiologist | Top Interventional Radiologist | Top Doctor for Radiology
Surgery|interventional radiology doctor in Hyderabad | radiology surgery in Hyderabad
ƒ˜ Permcath Placement
ƒ˜ Permcath Placement
Dr, Sridhar Devu has 11 years of expertise in Radio Diagnosis, Imageguided Interventions, Minimally invasive Endovascular Interventions, and Daycare Oncology related


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