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CarSide Healthcare Announces Innovative Protective Barriers for In-Car Medical Care

Posted 05 Jun-2020 02:39 PM by Steve | 700

CarSide Healthcare, LLC  has developed portable, protective screening barriers, allowing eye care professionals to capture ocular pressure readings; urgent care centers to more safely conduct COVID-19 screenings; and other medical providers to capture vitals, draw blood or conduct critical patient assessments while patients remain safely inside their own automobiles. The reusable barriers are applied directly to the patient's car window using magnet technology, providing a safe method for two-way communication between the patient and the healthcare provider.

See the product in action: click here

In addition to having the ability to describe their current symptoms and concerns, patients can receive hands-on care in their car. Pre-cut holes in the barriers allow the healthcare professional to safely gather real-time information such as:

  • Eye pressure reading using a tonopen/tonometer to check for (or monitor) glaucoma or post-op complications
  • Patient vitals
  • Blood draws
  • Photos of physical conditions such as a rash, bruising, eye irritations
  • Removal of foreign bodies or stitches
  • Monitor effectiveness of current treatment plans or current medications

The protective barriers are especially useful for telemedicine visits. Information can be gathered prior to the appointment or patients can log into a telemedicine visit from their car and have a combination in-person/telemedicine visit. As technicians gather information, this data can be immediately communicated to the doctor so the condition can be better evaluated and treatment plans outlined.

The protective barriers must be properly disinfected between each use following published Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines (https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/communication/guidance-list.html?Sort=Date%3A%3Adesc). CarSide protective screening barriers are not certified as personal protective equipment (PPE).

CarSide Healthcare, LLC was created by an ophthalmology practice administrator in South Carolina who realized a need for patient care and the collection of patient information while also respecting social distancing. Her own practice has been able to increase the effectiveness of telemedicine visits by allowing her technician team to capture real-time patient vitals that are then loaded into the patient's chart and accessed by the telemedicine doctor.

Source - https://www.newswire.com/news/carside-healthcare-announces-innovative-protective-barriers-for-in-car-21156483


car eye exam, carside eye exams, carside medical exams, COVID-19 Protection, Curbside patient care ppe, Eye doctor PPE, Glaucoma Pressure Checks, in-car eye exams, in-car medical exam, Personal PPE, PPE, telemedicine Affordable Press Release Website, Affordable Press Release Distribution Site, Free Press Release Site, Free Press Release Submission, Press Release

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