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Adrian Blotner, MD, FAPA - Board Certified Adult Psychiatrist - Accepting New Patients for Teletherapy Mental Health Services

Posted 20 May-2020 03:18 PM by john | 912

Adrian Blotner, MD, FAPA, Board Certified Psychiatrist, specializes in the treatment of those who suffer from mood, anxiety, sleep, and/or chronic pain disorders (no opiates).

Though Dr. Blotner's passion for helping patients to feel better and function better has not changed, his treatment methods continue to evolve. Dr. Blotner embraces today's state-of-the-art technology and now offers online therapy, also known as œTelehealth or œTeletherapy.  

œThe stress of the COVID-19 crisis causes severe emotional distress for many individuals. Not only that, but the stress also amplifies pre-existing conditions, both emotional and physical, he says.

How Teletherapy Works

Dr. Blotner states: œTeletherapy is safe and preserves the essence of a face-to-face office visit. With the current COVID-19 crisis, Teletherapy is needed now because it helps patients get the life-changing care they so urgently need.

Teletherapy is a safe and secure platform that provides a live, real-time audio and video experience. The same types of treatment that can be performed in person “ in the office “ can be provided with Teletherapy. 

œSome patients are concerned that Teletherapy might make the visit less personal. But once they try it, they are pleasantly surprised that it's just as interactive and just as effective.

About Dr. Blotner

Dr. Blotner is double Board Certified in both Psychiatry and Pain Medicine, and a Fellow of American Psychiatric Association (FAPA). He has recently relocated his outpatient private practice in Jacksonville, Florida, in association with Comprehensive MedPsych Systems, a multidisciplinary group of mental health professionals.  Dr. Blotner has over 30 years of experience caring for those who suffer from anxiety, mood, sleep, and chronic pain disorders (no opiates). Dr. Blotner provides each patient with a personalized treatment plan that emphasizes non-addictive medication, stress management, lifestyle adjustment and healthy physical activity that œdoes no harm. Goals of treatment include helping the patient to feel better and function better in all aspects of their life. 

Insurance accepted includes Aetna, BCBS-New Directions, Cigna, Evolutions, Humana, Medicare, Optum, Tricare Humana Military.  

Source - https://www.newswire.com/news/adrian-blotner-md-fapa-board-certified-adult-psychiatrist-accepting-21147611


Dr. Blotner, Pain relief Medicine anxiety, chronic pain disorders mood, Psychiatrist Jacksonville sleep, Teletherapy Mental Health Service, chronic pain disorders, Telehealth or Teletherapy, Tricare Humana Military Affordable Press Release Website, Cheap Press Release Distribution Site, Free Press Release Network, Free Press Release Site, Free Press Release

Company Information

Company Name Contact Person Contact Number Email Id Website Address
BLOTNER MASS MEDIA 8889769017 johnwashington2848@gmail.com https://blotnermassmedia.com/

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