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How Do You Defend A Post Player In Basketball?

Posted 01 Jun-2022 02:53 PM by David | 793

This article will discuss the best ways to defend an opposing post player in basketball. For example, to defend an opposing player on the block, defending them when they catch the ball standing inside is vital. These methods are discussed in detail below.


1. Using the hands and arms

Proper footwork and hand placement are required to be an effective defender of post players. The main idea behind proper hand positioning is to have your hands directly underneath your shoulders when defending a player within 15 feet of you. 


You risk getting called for a blocking foul if your hands are too high. Conversely, if they're too low, you will not be able to contest shots effectively because there will be space between your arms and body for offensive players to shoot through.


2. Mastering the art of defensive footwork

If you're playing defense against an athletic scorer, moving your feet fast enough can be tricky. Instead, try tightening your knees and constantly moving your feet. This will ensure that you have solid footing, which is vital when defending someone who scores in the post. 


It could lead to an easy dunk or layup if you end up flat-footed or out of control. Along with quick footwork, good defensive pressure prevents offensive players from catching passes or creating deep shots. Offensive players forced into difficult positions have fewer options when trying to score or get open for a pass.


3. Using a shooting machine to learn how to defend helps the defense.

A great way to learn to help defend against a low post is by using a machine like the Gun shooting machine, which is similar to the Dr. Dish basketball shooting machine. You can adjust your shot and control it while learning to help your defense skills. 


The goal of help defense is to force a bad shot from an offensive player. You need to be close enough to get there quickly but far enough away so that they don't just shoot over you. Once they catch it on the block, they have many options for what they can do next. The closer you are when they catch it, the less time they have to make the correct decisions.


When choosing a machine to learn how to defend, quality should be paramount. Although the price of the Gun shooting machine is more than the Dr. Dish shooting machine price, the Shoot-A-Way machine has several qualities to help with learning post defense.


The best defense in basketball isn't just preventing shots from being made but also defending effectively and shutting down the other team's offensive options altogether. Learn how to defend a post player in basketball so you can prevent them from scoring by reading this article that explains how to defend in the post.


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Company Information

Company Name Contact Person Contact Number Email Id Website Address
Shoot-A-Way, Inc 8002944654 sales@shootaway.com https://www.shootaway.com/compare-the-gun-vs-dr-dish/

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