• Home News Financial Industry Veterans Form Strategic Advisory, Fintova, To Help Clients Drive Digital Transformation

Financial Industry Veterans Form Strategic Advisory, Fintova, To Help Clients Drive Digital Transformation

Posted 03 Jun-2020 08:33 PM by David | 911

Today, more than ever before, financial institutions must pursue digital capabilities across a wide range of manufacturing, servicing, and distribution functions. As with other industries, the need to adapt digital in financial services precedes the recent health crisis, but the pandemic has accelerated demand amongst incumbent firms, their employees, and customers alike. In addition to new remote workplace and workforce paradigms, the need for meaningful business transformation is at an all-time high. At the same time, leaders are asked to aggressively manage costs. This leaves the C-suite in an unprecedented position.

Fintova LLC was established to address the very same challenges, opportunities and broader initiatives that are increasingly required to help financial institutions thrive. Specializing in end-to-end digital adoption, the company offers strategic advisory and delivery services to assist clients across their full transformation and operational agendas. Importantly, Fintova highlights that digital transformation is not simply a technology project, but is instead a deeper evolution of business and operating models to become more data-driven. This results in new insights and services, as well as numerous other benefits. Fintova refers to this as the Virtuous Data Feedback Loop„¢.

Since its initial launch, the company has assembled an accomplished and multi-disciplinary team of financial services leaders, including industry veterans who've held C-level roles in 8 out of the top 10 financial institutions. Unlike many other advisory firms, Fintova provides an insider's view of what it takes to define and articulate a strategy, build and motivate teams, navigate organizational hurdles, and 'walk the walk' to transform businesses for sustainability and growth. Notes Fintova founder and Managing Principal, Gary Maier, "Our leadership team is unique for an advisory firm in that it's made up of C-level industry executives and practitioners who've collectively covered many functions within a financial services organization. This is by design, since we believe that an effective transformation touches many areas of a business and requires input and collaboration across multiple disciplines."

Numerous pundits anticipate that the recent pandemic will structurally change corporate business models, strategies, client expectations, organizational constructs and actions. In a span of three months, digital has moved from optional to essential. But maximizing the value proposition of digital requires a well-conceived strategy and delivery capabilities in order to realize desired outcomes. Fintova was explicitly founded to help firms define and action their digital roadmap, and to overcome the challenges they will inevitably encounter.

"A culture of innovation is really important, but it tends to be organic, whereas a digital strategy is a well-defined business objective that requires the direct engagement, discipline, messaging and leadership of the executive team", says Maier.

For more information visit www.fintova.com.

Sheri Gilchrist
(833) FIN.TOVA X812



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