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What the Best Child Care in Berwick and Narre Warren Pros Do

Posted 05 Jun-2020 08:56 PM by birches | 2270

Parents in Berwick and indeed throughout Australia and the rest of the world have realized the many benefits that come with enrolling their children to a high-level child care centre like the Birches Early Learning Centre. Narre Warren child care centres have continued to soar in popularity because many parents can now see the social and recognized academic benefits of enrolling young children into such programs.


Some of the advantages of daycare and preschool programs include socialization, effortless transitioning into kindergarten and better test scores among other things. If a child stays at home, it is highly unlikely that they will get these benefits.

But not all Berwick Daycare centres guarantee these benefits. To ensure that your child gets the best of early learning care, it's imperative to choose the finest daycare facility. In this article, we tell you the things that only the best child care programs in Berwick and Narre Warren do. Read on to learn more.


They Put a Lot of Importance on Security


Great daycare facilities go out of the way to guarantee your child's safety. Some of the things they do include food safety practices, childproofing, constant supervision, and ensuring that there is a maintained play space with toys.


 Also, parents normally have just as hard time staying away from their kids as their children do. To try and somewhat allay your fears that your child is well even if they are far away, the top guns in the child care industry take the security of your child extremely seriously.


The very best child care centres will go the extra mile to ensure that the premise is thoroughly secured and guarantee the security of not just the children but also the teaching and non-teaching staff. Therefore, one way to tell that a given daycare centre in Narre Warren is among the top dogs in the industry is the emphasis they put on security. There are many ways they achieve this.


To start, they will have a gate that's manned by security guards. This means that anyone must be thoroughly screened before being granted access to the school compound. Other facilities also install security cameras just to ensure no one can do some fishy business in the school compound.


  • Other steps to ensure the tightest security include:

  • Use of electronic or mechanical restricted access systems

  • Main entrance stays unlocked but all the other doors are locked to ensure no access

  • The buildings are designed to ensure that there is no direct access to the classrooms

  • An alert device or a bell attached to an unlocked door

They Employ Highly Qualified Caregivers Who Genuinely Care

The very top Berwick child care centres vet their employees extremely thoroughly to ensure that they have all the necessary qualifications like training and certification. Most of these caregivers have degrees in childhood development. Some may be in the process of attaining such academic qualifications. Also, they have at least 2 years of a college education. If you take the trouble to check, you will also realise that these are trained not only in CPR but also in other emergency procedures like First Aid.


This thorough vetting ensures that caregivers interact with children in the best way possible. Teachers will mostly speak to children not only respectfully but also at the eye level of the children. They will always carry out meaningful conversations with children using a respectful voice tone. It doesn't matter whether they are talking to toddlers, infants or preschoolers.


The idea is to make children as comfortable with the caregivers as possible. This way, a child will be open to further communication and learning. The finest daycare centres in Narre Warren will always have communicative caregivers who are eager to form a partnership with parents to care for and educate your children.



They are Licensed and Accredited


Licensing is a statutory requirement while accreditation means even much more. Licensing agencies certify that the centre abides by all the official laws and regulations and that it's safe for children.


Generally, accreditation bodies are private agencies and often evaluate child care centres based on a large range of criteria that tend to be very specific. Some of the things considered when assessing a centre for accreditation are if it provides benefits to employees, wheel toys used on the outdoors are not used indoors, and vehicles don't idle in the parking lot. Generally, the best Narre Warren child care facilities go the extra mile of getting accreditation to prove that they are up to scratch.


They offer Interesting and Varied Schedules


Having been in the child care business for years, we understand that you want a fluid and loose schedule that changes often and is more child-focused. And even for those who are looking for an educational environment that's more school-like with an established curriculum, we have your back covered. You can count on an excellent daycare to meet your needs. They restrict the use of videos and TVs as much as possible unless they are age-appropriate and a part of the curricula.


Excellent education and early care programs make it possible for children to be invested in not only the material but also their learning. Accomplished teachers can balance children's learning experience with important learning outcomes. 


Irrespective of the program that you have selected for your children, it is recommended to work together with your child's teacher to enhance their learning experience. Such early learning centres encourage the building of parent-teacher relationships from the onset to enable both parties involved to better prepare the children for future life inside and outside the classroom.



They Have Low Child-to-Caregivers Ratio 



The best way to ensure that your child gets close to individualized attention is when there are a high number of caregivers per children group. Even better, these childcare facilities have low employee turnover to ensure that your child sees the same faces as much as possible. 

It's most beneficial to a child if they stay with one caregiver for a minimum of one year. Consistency for your toddler or infant helps to maintain happy wellbeing. For infants, the best ratio is 1 caregiver to 4 children. 


And for toddlers aged up to 2 and-a-half years, these facilities maintain a ratio of 1:4 as well. Older kids often do with a ratio of 1:6 which ensures maximum attention and care. You want the caregiver of your child to build a strong bond with your child, and this is what the professional child care centres in Berwick do.



They have Established Policies and Consistent Rules


When a child care centre is well-organized and consistent at its core, you can be sure this will be reflected throughout in all parts of their operations. 


The great daycare facilities will always have written-down and well-established operating policies. These include rules governing minute things like when circle times are done, to more crucial rules, for instance how to deal with emergency situations like a sick child. At the Berwick Early Learning Centre, we aren't so inflexible as to forbid you from packing lunch for your kids, but at the same time, we are strict with our policies and rules to make your child safe.



They Provide a Caring and Stimulating Environment with Contented Kids


The best child care centres in Berwick offer a clean, fun, and vibrant space for your child. They ensure the environment is not only home-like but also reflective of the diversity of the children in that setting. Also, they have age-appropriate environments for every stage of children. For instance, the infant rooms at these childcare centres have lots of space for babies or crawlers that need tummy time. For the older kids, there are tables and desks for craft or colouring. 


A look at the other children will instantly reveal that they are happy. This is because they have broad access to projects and activities to keep them busy. A closer analysis will also show that the children are comfortable and responsive to the caregivers. The policies for these professional daycares in Berwick are about seeing to it that children's ideas and interests are not only respected but also reflected. 


Anybody will readily get the feeling that the kids and the space hum happily along. Parents or other visitors will surely feel great about the environment that their children are in, and so will the kids.


Getting a Head Start with Daycare in Berwick


One of the main reasons parents come to enrol their children in Birches Early Learning Centres in Berwick and Narre Warren is because we have consistently proven our ability to provide chaperoned socialization and excellent academic programs. If you want your child to get more at their Narre Warren childcare facility than mere babysitting, the Birches Early Learning centre is the best option for your child.


While daycare and preschool programs provide a classroom environment, they also have caretakers that are trained to work with kids on a one-on-one basis. This individualized attention to the needs of each child sets the great daycare centres from the mediocre ones. 


Contact us today for more information on how we can take care of your children.


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