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Ninja Warrior Competitors Are Fighting the Negative Effects Covid-19 is Having on Our Kids

Posted 23 May-2020 02:37 PM by Billy | 877

These are unprecedented times, and one resilient Alabama based business is going global and spreading love, fitness, and Ninja Warrior. Ninja Obstacle Academy Kids' team of Ninja Warrior Coaches and past American Ninja Warrior TV Show contestants are now teaching kids, ages 3-7 & 8-12, how to be Ninjas &  stay in-shape online.

Ninja Obstacle Academy Kids' new œKid Ninja Adventure Club is designed to help fight the negative effects that COVID-19 is having on our children. Much of the current public anxiety revolves around parents juggling working from home & homeschooling their children. There is also an absence of social interaction between children that normally comes from going to school. This is leaving many kids bored, acting out, and absorbing way too much non-beneficial screen time.

Couple this with the financial crisis hitting families hard and you have a lot of stress and unease in the typical American household.

œThe decision to take our highly successful Ninja Obstacle Academy Training Program online was an easy one to make, Co-Owner Justin Moore says. œOur mission is to enrich the lives of kids by introducing a fun way to exercise and get in great shape.  Expanding our footprint to the entire nation is just another way we can give back and impact as many children's lives as possible.

This online program enables kids and parents all across the world to stay active at home and train to become Ninja Warriors without leaving their living rooms.

It only costs $9 a month for entire families to join and they can cancel at any time. Justin Moore, Co-Owner explains, œThe price is intentionally low because we want any family who wants to participate to be able to afford it. Our mission is to empower kids and impact lives, not to pad our pockets. 

Kids and families can access the entire program online from any device, anywhere, and anytime. The video training is also designed so kids can participate without the need for any extra equipment.

Ninja Obstacle Academy's physical location is in Huntsville, AL and was founded in 2016. The Academy coaches over 500 kids and adult Ninja Warrior enthusiasts every week and hosts an additional 5,000 kids per year with camps and parties.

Enrollment in the program is open now. For more information about the Kid Ninja Adventure Club, families can visit KidNinjaClub.com/press-release to learn more or to sign up.

For more information about the Kid Ninja Adventure Club or if you have any questions for the Ninja Obstacle Academy team, please contact Chris Moore, Co-Founder at chris@ninjaobstacleacademy.com.

Source - https://www.newswire.com/news/ninja-warrior-competitors-are-fighting-the-negative-effects-covid-19-21149681


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Company Information

Company Name Contact Person Contact Number Email Id Website Address
NINJA OBSTACLS ACADEMY KIDS 6783902693 chris@ninjaobstacleacademy.com https://www.kidninjaclub.com/

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