With aggregated trading, instead of supporting deposits and withdrawals, Wisebitcoin uses an aggregate trading system that automatically takes buy and sell orders from its own users and places those orders on other exchanges. In this way, users can rest assured that the assets or tokens that are purchased via aggregated trading are all real assets that are in full reserves.
Aggregate trading makes it easy for growing platforms such as Wisebitcoin to quickly provide users with access to new and popular crypto tokens and assets.
The local and external order matching mechanisms used in Wisebitcoin's aggregate trading system provide transaction speeds and user experiences that are similar to those seen when placing orders for other trading pairs on Wisebitcoin.
To meet the deposit and withdrawal requirements of users, Wisebitcoin will evaluate the volume of its aggregate trading tokens to determine whether to dock with project wallets that contain a large number of tokens or assets.
By providing liquidity, fast transactions, low fees, and a clean, intuitive UI to traders, Wisebitcoin makes it easy to invest in the crypto space and to trade popular, high market cap tokens and assets. By adding aggregate trading for STORJ to the platform, Wisebitcoin opens the doors to investment in one of the most popular decentralized file sharing and storage projects seen in the last few years.
Storj delivers secure, private, reliable, affordable, and decentralized cloud object storage for developers. Storj's Decentralized Cloud Storage (DCS) files are encrypted, broken into pieces, and then distributed across a global cloud network instead of being stored on a single, centralized server. This makes data breaches impossible, and default encryption comes standard for all files. A decentralized network of Storage Nodes also makes data always available when it is needed, and open-source, full-stack compatibility makes it easy to build on the network.