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San Luis Obispo Electricians Announce National Electrical Safety Month

Posted 25 May-2020 01:17 PM by Lisa | 1465

May is National Electrical Safety Month and Electricraft, Inc., the San Luis Obispo electricians, want the public to know what safety resources are available. Every year during National Electrical Safety Month, the nonprofit Electrical Safety Foundation International (ESFI) launches an education campaign to inform the public about safety steps that can reduce the number of electrically-related accidents and injuries.

The ESFI reports that annually, electrical problems account for œ35,000 home fires, 1130 injuries and 500 deaths and $1.4 billion in property damage. The national safety campaign helps bring awareness to electrical safety issues and provides a number of safety resources. The 2020 campaign focuses on home electrical safety.

The resources available on the ESFI website include:

Information about general home electrical safety such as the warning signs of an overloaded electrical system and how to avoid overloading circuits.
Home safety devices that can help bring a home up to electrical code and improve safety.
Safe use of extension cords and surge protectors
Electrical safety while working from home
Also included is an extensive collection of free educational and media outreach materials that can be downloaded for use in the home, schools and community safety programs.

Safety has always been at the forefront for the San Luis Obispo electrical company. Serving the local community since it was founded 1984, Electricraft prides itself on providing a safe work environment for all concerned. All of the staff receives regular safety training to stay up-to-date on safe electrical procedures, all new laws and equipment, in order to focus on ensuring the safety of our customers and staff. A safe worksite is a key component of Electricraft's standard procedures.

Along with the company's safety training and practices, Electricraft regularly adds to its library of public information with articles such as œKids and electric safety, œThe care and training of extension cords, and Holiday safety. Visit Electricraft's website often for safety information as well as about solar installations and solar energy.

Electricraft encourages homeowners, renters and business owners to regularly examine extension cords, appliance cords, electric outlets and other electrical components for signs of wear, discoloration, loose connections, and exposed wires. Other safety practices include:
Knowing how to shut off the power in the event of an emergency
Sparks, an odd smell of smoke coming from an electrical outlet or wire could be an emergency. Shut off the power. Call 911 for smoke and flames. Call an electrician as soon as possible. Electricraft is available 24-hours, 7 days a week for emergencies by calling the after-hours emergency number: (805) 431-2554.
Get a professional electrical inspection on a regular basis
Don't overload household or business electrical circuits
Avoid do-it-yourself electrical projects
From the first phone call through the final inspection, Electricraft provides the best electrical and solar services on the Central Coast for any size project. The company's commitment to every customer is to provide superior quality service and complete satisfaction, on time and at a fair price.

The breadth of experience and training possessed by each member of the Electricraft team means that the best electrician or solar installer is available for any phase of any project. The talents that each team member brings to the company contributes to Electricraft's versatility and successful completion of varied and challenging projects.

Electricraft, Inc.
200 Suburban Rd., Suite A
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
(805) 544-8224

This press release is by Paso Robles Marketing and SEO company Access Publishing, 806 9th Street, #2D, Paso Robles, CA 93446, (805) 226-9890.

Source:        https://www.prweb.com/releases/san_luis_obispo_electricians_announce_national_electrical_safety_month/prweb17144432.htm


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Company Information

Company Name Contact Person Contact Number Email Id Website Address
NATIONAL ELECTRICAL SAFETY MONTH 8055448224 lisa2020james@gmail.com https://www.esfi.org/

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