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PolyPhaser Receives LiveHelpNow’s Best Customer Service Award

Posted 22 May-2020 07:10 PM by Lisa | 1011

PolyPhaser, an Infinite Electronics brand and an industry-leading provider of RF and data surge protection, filtering and grounding solutions, announced today that they have received an award for best customer service by LiveHelpNow.

PolyPhaser has made LiveHelpNow's list of top companies providing exceptional customer service for the month of April 2020. This list compares the challenge metrics of 10,000 companies, and PolyPhaser's customer service scored as outstanding.

œIn the face of these difficult conditions, and with a nearly 30% increase in chat traffic, our customer service press release team has continued to perform at the highest level. This award speaks to the uncompromised professionalism, resiliency, and customer focus that drives our team, said Les Smock, Director of Inside Sales & Service.

LiveHelpNow is a leading help-desk platform provider that conducts customer service challenges each month to rank the top 100 companies based on 12 data-driven metrics. Each recipient of the award has demonstrated excellence in the following:

Customer survey results
Dropped chats
Visitor volume
Canned content
Proactive actions
Chat transfers
Average chat accept time
Operator utilization
Average chat time
Operator knowledge
Operator responsiveness
Chat volume
For more information on PolyPhaser, please visit their website at PolyPhaser.com.

About PolyPhaser:

PolyPhaser leads the market with its patented RF protection solutions, specifically supporting communications systems. Based on extensive experience with multi-stage surge protection, PolyPhaser continuously expands its product offering to support the requirements of advanced network applications with technologies such as DC block, DC pass and ultra-low PIM. PolyPhaser is an Infinite Electronics brand.

About Infinite Electronics:

Based in Irvine, Calif., Infinite Electronics offers a broad range of components, assemblies, and wired/wireless connectivity solutions, serving the aerospace/defense, industrial, government, consumer electronics, instrumentation, medical and telecommunications markets. Infinite's brands include Pasternack, Fairview Microwave, L-com, MilesTek, Aiconics, KP Performance Antennas, PolyPhaser, Transtector, RadioWaves, ShowMeCables, INC-Installs and Integra Optics. Infinite Electronics serves a global engineering customer base with deep technical expertise and support, with one of the broadest inventories of products available for immediate shipment.

Source:       http://www.prweb.com/releases/polyphaser_receives_livehelpnows_best_customer_service_award/prweb17134957.htm


industry-leading provider of RF, Infinite Electronics, companies providing exceptional customer service, customer service press release team, help-desk platform, RF protection solutions Low Cost Press Release Distribution Websites, Affordable Press Release Distribution Site, Free Press Release Distribution, Free Press Release, Free Press Release Distribution Services

Company Information

Company Name Contact Person Contact Number Email Id Website Address
INFINITE ELECTRONICS 52369666 lisa2020james@gmail.com https://www.infiniteelectronics.com/

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