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05 Nov, 2020
IBR Fitting and Flanges Plates are presently at a hot cake demand in India specifically for industrial usage. The specialty of IBR Fitting and Flang...Read More

22 Oct, 2020
IBR is the abbreviation of Indian Boiler Regulation – a construction code that confirms the material, fabrication, design and testing requirements o...Read More

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Expansion of New Human Growth Hormone Supplier

Chinese Online Pharmacy Expands Worldwide Shipping for Human Growth Hormone Products. Pharmaceutical license number 67564...Read More

How crickets are a good source of protein, iron, and other essential nutrients

Crickets are an excellent source of protein, iron, and other essential nutrients. Here's a look at some of the key nutritional benefits of crickets:Pr...Read More

How Do Cricket Protein Bars Compare to Other Protein-Rich Snacks, Such as Jerky or Nuts?

When it comes to protein-rich snacks, there are a variety of options to choose from, including jerky, nuts, and now, Orthoptera protein bars. But how ...Read More

The water-saving benefits of producing crickets instead of other types of meat.

Water is a precious resource, and as the world's population grows, it is crucial to find sustainable ways to conserve it. Cricket farming is an excell...Read More

Eve-Sense Announces the Release of New Game “Little Pet Raising – ALife” on Apple Watch*

Eve-Sense Inc. (Headquarters: Sumida, Tokyo; CEO: Kosuke Shimizu, hereinafter "our company") is proud to announce the launch of Little Pet Raisin...Read More