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Useful tips for a successful HAZOP study

Posted 13 Nov-2021 03:45 PM by thesafety | 662

A HAZOP study is not a run-of-the-mill type of analysis. For the uninitiated, it is an exercise aimed at identifying all the hazards that could possibly result in major consequences surrounding a project. It's incredibly important that the study be conducted with an open mind because sometimes, major consequences could creep into the analysis stage. Considering how important it is, we'll be discussing how to successfully conduct a HAZOP study and its importance in ensuring that failures or accidents don't arise.

Realization of adequate time by management


As the manager of a HAZOP study, you have to realize that adequate time is needed to complete a thorough HAZOP study. The time needed for a HAZOP study will depend on the number of hazards to identify and evaluate. The more detailed your evaluation, the more time required, so it's necessary for you to discuss how much time is needed with management beforehand.

Selection of proper resources

The selection of proper resources is a vital task in the stage of conducting a HAZOP study. The choice of wrong resources may result in an incomplete or even a false picture, which in its turn can lead to a wrong decision and make the following works ineffective. The success of the HAZOP and process safety management depends on how well it accounts for potential failure modes. Therefore, selecting appropriate resources is crucial.

Avoiding poor recordings of HAZOP study findings

It is all too easy for a poorly performed HAZOP study to result in poor recordings of the findings. If the participants and recorder do not clearly separate cause and effect, and consider other aspects such as maintenance factors and consequences, then the findings will be bound to be incomplete and inaccurate.

From the beginning of the process to the end, you are supposed to record everything in order so that you could have something to show in the future. But there are times when things go wrong in recording, especially if you are dealing with poor-quality paper so the recordings would probably fade out in no time. You have to find ways through c to have better recordings keeping in mind that they should be understandable when you need them someday.

How we can help                                                

Online/onsite training

Conducting hazop study



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