• Home News Tantiv4 Announces REZRV™ a Patented Real-time Data Prioritization Software for Enterprise, Industrial and Home Routers or Network Appliances

Tantiv4 Announces REZRV™ a Patented Real-time Data Prioritization Software for Enterprise, Industrial and Home Routers or Network Appliances

Posted 30 May-2020 01:02 PM by shipley | 875

Tantiv4, a leading provider of IoT and cloud platforms for Enterprise, Industrial and Consumer applications today announced that it has been working closely with Columbia University to develop a patent-protected solution REZRV which mitigates the issue of improper bandwidth usage by a specific application or a networked device. Based on Tantiv4's ThingaOS„¢ edge and cloud platform IT managers can manage their work or home networks in a more natural, intuitive, and efficient way without going through extensive set up pages on the network router. REZRV is an easy to use application that resides on the home router enabling dynamic policy changes in the home using leading voice platforms.

œInternet is an essential requirement for the business or the home and proper bandwidth management is a vital requirement in today's world and there is no better proof than in the current COVID-19 situation where the world has transformed from office and school, workspaces to work and study from home environments, œsaid Lokesh Johri, co-founder and CEO of Tantiv4 Inc. œWhat this means is that the home bandwidth needs to adapt itself to give you priority to maintain your work efficiency or timely homework submission.

Excessive bandwidth usage in your network impacts the entire network's performance and affect business-critical services and often leads to network downtime. Simply buying additional bandwidth only treats the symptom of a bigger problem. REZRV uses advanced AI and ML techniques trained for a factory environment where several IoT sensors constantly collect and transmit data. REZRV and Tantiv4's platform ensures that the data from these sensors is available to all decision-makers in case of an emergency situation ensuring that actions of other users on the network do not lead to network downtime.

REZRV core features include

AI and ML based bandwidth management
Dynamic Management of User Preferences and Policies
Reliable Connectivity for IoT Devices and manage mission-critical data in a factory
Improved Wi-Fi signals over distances and reduced packet jitter while streaming content
About Tantiv4 Inc.

Tantiv4 Inc., headquartered in Milpitas, CA, is powering the next generation IoT Edge, Cloud and Voice platforms by providing uniquely architected solutions with a focus on simplifying and solving the pain points that exist in today's IoT solutions. ThingaOS solutions provide advanced automation using AI and ML algorithms increasing ROI and improve business efficiencies. ThingaOS„¢ operates on all popular cloud eco-systems, RF protocols and supports all popular controller and voice interfaces.

For more information about this topic, please contact Kishore Moturi at +1 408 396-5962 or email at contact(at)tantiv4(dot)com.
ThingaOS, ThingaAI, FetchitGO, REZRV are trademarks of Tantiv4 Inc. All other trademarks used are the property of their respective owners.

Source:      http://www.prweb.com/releases/tantiv4_announces_rezrv_a_patented_real_time_data_prioritization_software_for_enterprise_industrial_and_home_routers_or_network_appliances/prweb17148545.htm


patent-protected solution REZRV, Tantiv4, efficient way without going, leading voice platforms, headquartered in Milpitas, cision-makers, factory environment, COVID-19 situation, home bandwidth needs, Affordable Press Release Network, Affordable Press Release Services, Free Press Release Website, Free Press Release Site, Free Press Release Distribution Website

Company Information

Company Name Contact Person Contact Number Email Id Website Address
TANTIV4 ANNOUNCES REZRV 65656546 shipleyluis1857@gmail.com https://www.tantiv4.com/

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