• Home News SEOHost.Net COO Reminds Users Update WordPress To Protect Their Data

SEOHost.Net COO Reminds Users Update WordPress To Protect Their Data

Posted 25 May-2020 06:37 PM by shipley | 971

SEOHost.net, a leading domain registration, SSL service, and SEO hosting provider, announced the importance of updating WordPress to protect their data.

œBy keeping plugins and installation up to date, you can significantly reduce the risk of suffering a successful cyberattack, said SEOHost COO Terry Cane. œNot only that, but there are also plenty of SEO-related reasons to keep your site secure. A compromised website can and will suffer on the SERP, and it can be difficult to recover after something like that.

According to a report published by cybersecurity agency Sucuri, 90 percent of all hacked content management system sites in 2018 were running WordPress. According to the agency, experts blamed the vulnerabilities primarily on plugins and themes, configuration problems, and a lack of maintenance on the part of webmasters. Cane said this is not a great surprise.

œWordPress's versatility is certainly a huge draw of the platform, but the main reason it's so popular is that it's easy to use. With its plugin ecosystem and simple interface, it allows anyone to create a website containing anything they can think of, she said.

Unfortunately, Cane said this means that a large percentage of WordPress webmasters aren't particularly educated in or aware of cybersecurity. As a result, they're more likely to engage in bad practices such as poor password hygiene, installing too many plugins, or downloading plugins/themes from unknown third-party sources.

œThe most egregious thing I see novice webmasters do - and arguably the most damaging - is slacking on patches, says Cane. œThere seems to be a common perception these days that most cyberattacks are carried out by sophisticated criminal enterprises, but this is false. Most cyber-criminals are opportunists looking for the path of least resistance.

Indeed, the majority of data breaches are the result of identified vulnerabilities. Criminals bank on finding unpatched websites. And on WordPress, these websites exist in droves.

Cane recommends that users not only patch their WordPress installation but also look into installing the Requisite security plugins to protect themselves against everything from spam to malware to targeted attacks.

About SEOHost.net:
Located in Orlando, Florida with locations all around the world, SEOHost.Net provides a wide range of services in both the U.S. and the E.U., including domain registration, SSL Hosting for SEO, and VPS, dedicated, and A-Class IP hosting The company offers exceptional service with a strong service level agreement, multiple geographic locations, and free migration. For more information, visit https://www.seohost.net.

Source:       https://www.prweb.com/releases/seohost_net_coo_reminds_users_to_update_wordpress_to_protect_their_data/prweb17129478.htm


SEOHost.net, SSL service, SEO hosting provider, pdating WordPress, Requisite security, SEOHost COO Terry Cane, opportunists looking, WordPress webmasters, Unfortunately, A compromised website, management system, Free Press Release Network, Free Press Release Site, Free Press Release Distribution Website, Press Release, Free Press Release Distribution Services

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