• Home News MRHB DeFi Partners Ethereum L2 Scaling Chain zkSync to Power Halal DeFi Platform

MRHB DeFi Partners Ethereum L2 Scaling Chain zkSync to Power Halal DeFi Platform

Posted 01 Nov-2021 12:49 PM by Mitchell | 892

Dubai, UAE, November 1, 2021 -- MRHB DeFi the world's first inclusive and ethical DeFi platform is integrating the Ethereum scaling solution zkSync, developed by software experts Matter Labs.

The move will mean that the MRHB DeFi ecosystem will benefit from the low  transaction fees zkSync enables, while developers will be able to utilize zkSync technology on the platform's architecture to improve efficiency, speed, scalability, security and privacy.

ZK RollUp solves Ethereum Scalability with Zero Security Compromises
zkSync is an innovative technology that is already live on the Ethereum mainnet. It allows for extremely low transaction fees, relies on a trustless protocol, and keeps funds cryptographically secure. Transactions use zero-knowledge proofs and on-chain data availability to keep users' funds safe, with computation and storage being performed off-chain.

œAt Marhaba, we strongly believe zkSync will lead the way as a ZK-RollUp solution for Ethereum, said Deniz Dalkilic, CTO of MRHB DeFi. œGiven its ability of 100% Solidity compatibility, fast finality with low fees while having the ability to secure unlimited amounts of TVL($), it makes it the perfect L2 solution for DeFi.

Built on ZK Rollup architecture, zkSync ensures that it strictly inherits the security guarantees of the underlying L1. Unlike sidechains, Rollup validator(s) can never be corrupted. Smart-contract friendly, exchange friendly, the technology allows for contract-interoperability and atomic swaps on different exchange protocols and even includes native support for NFTs.

MRHB CTO Dalkilic highlighted that Vitalik Buterin has declared that œin the medium to long term, ZK rollups will win out in all use cases as ZK-SNARK technology improves.

The technology is already in use by a wide range of leading blockchain projects, including Curve, Argent, and Balancer, and was supported in its ecosystem funding round by leading names in the blockchain space, including Binance, Huobi, Coinbase and many more.

An Ethical and Inclusive DeFi Vision
MRHB DeFi was founded with a vision of providing greater access to the growing opportunities and utilities of the cryptoverse for excluded and cautious communities, and has a particular focus on delivering faith-based DeFi services which adhere to the ethical investment and financing principles rooted in Islamic Finance, many of which align with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Such business practices include those that avoid interest, usury, social exploitation and other acts deemed unethical as well as support sustainability, asset/utility backed financing, transparency and equitable risk/reward sharing.

With the Islamic Finance industry sized at around USD 3 trillion of assets, bringing even a small portion of Shariah-sensitive liquidity into DeFi will represent a major boost to the total value of the DeFi sector worldwide.

MRHB DeFi has also received strategic investments from Blockchain Australia, Mozaic, Contango Digital Assets, NewTribe Capital, Sheesha Finance, Acreditus Partners and EMGS Group.

About MRHB DeFi:
MRHB (pronounced ˜Marhaba') DeFi is a decentralised finance platform built to bring ethics to the DeFi space with an approach that supports the inclusion of faith-based and other excluded communities in addition to existing crypto-natives so that everyone can benefit from the full empowerment potential of DeFi to help build a true peer-to-peer financial and economic value system.

Based on the tenets of blockchain such as trust, transparency, and security, MRHB DeFi has encapsulated universally applicable principles of Islamic Finance into those tenets of blockchain to render a suite of offerings that are also ESG compliant.

The project is backed by a diverse and strong team with backgrounds spanning crypto, technology, faith-compliant investing, finance and seasoned institutional veterans of industry. The public sale offering will be in December. Register your interest and read more about MRHB DeFi's Shariah Concept Paper, Lite and White Paper here: https://marhabadefi.com/info-centre.php

MRHB DeFi Official Channels:
Website: https://marhabadefi.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/marhabadefi
Telegram: https://t.me/mdf_official
Telegram Announcements: https://t.me/marhabadefi_ANN
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHuvZG9DbS5ffeoqLX_bERg
Medium: https://medium.com/@mrhbdefi
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/marhabadefi
Telegram (Arabic): https://t.me/mdf_arabic
Telegram (Russian): https://t.me/mdf_russia
Telegram (Turkish): https://t.me/MarhabaDefiTR

About zkSync:
zkSync is taking a cryptography-first approach to scaling blockchains and spearheading the scaling revolution by offering the cheapest token transfers on Ethereum. Next, they are launching general programmability, EVM-Compatibility, and off-chain data availability for a seamless developer and user experience, for the lowest transaction fees.

Website: http://zksync.io
Medium: https://medium.com/matter-labs
Twitter: https://twitter.com/zksync
Telegram: https://t.me/zksync_community
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/px2aR7w


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