• Home News Michael Baker International Joins Project Team for WSDOT's I-405 Widening and Express Toll Lane

Michael Baker International Joins Project Team for WSDOT's I-405 Widening and Express Toll Lane

Posted 09 Jun-2020 01:41 PM by David | 831

 Michael Baker International, a global leader in engineering, planning and consulting services celebrating 80 Years of Making a Difference, has joined the team that will complete the widening and express toll lane project between Renton and Bellevue, Washington, for the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT). The project will utilize innovative design-build project delivery and includes constructing one new lane in each direction of I-405. This new lane, along with the existing high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lane, will be operated as a dual-lane express toll lane system. Michael Baker's role in the project includes providing maintenance of traffic for the entire 11-mile project, roadway design for a three-mile segment, drainage design for a three-mile segment and one bridge widening. The firm will serve as a subconsultant to Wood in the Flatiron West, Inc.-The Lane Construction Corporation Joint Venture.

"Our team regularly combines passion with technical and design-build know-how to create transportation systems that provide access and connection for people and goods, ultimately spurring economic growth and improving quality of life for commuters," said Malcolm Dougherty, National Practice Executive “ Transportation at Michael Baker International. "For the I-405 project, our expert knowledge of maintenance of traffic will ensure the safety of drivers and workers alike, while keeping traffic moving as work progresses. The final product will give drivers a choice to use the express toll lanes when they need it, allowing travelers to have a safer, more reliable trip and helping WSDOT achieve their long-standing vision for I-405."

The $705 million design-build project will help reduce congestion and improve safety along one of Washington's most congested sections of highway. The project will increase roadway capacity, enhance mobility, provide environmental enhancements and improve traffic operations and public safety. Construction is expected to commence this year and the project will be completed and open to traffic in 2024.

About Michael Baker International

Michael Baker International, celebrating 80 Years of Making a Difference, is a leading provider of engineering and consulting services, including design, planning, architectural, environmental, construction and program management.  The company provides its comprehensive range of services and solutions to support U.S. federal, state, and municipal governments, foreign allied governments, and a wide range of commercial clients.  Michael Baker's more than 3,000 employees across nearly 100 locations are committed to a culture of innovation, collaboration and technological advancement to help solve challenges for clients and communities throughout the country. To learn more, visit www.mbakerintl.com.

Contact:  Julia Covelli
(866) 293-4609



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