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If you are looking for a job, the i12WRK app will help you

Posted 23 Mar-2021 05:25 PM by #JobsinDubai | 770

If you are looking for a job, you are dealing with many emotions. Things are changing everyday around you, and the "new normal" might have made you unsure of where to start. After months of lockdown, hiring is gaining ground, but has not reached the same levels of what it was six months back.

Hiring has changed

Hiring managers are revisiting their recruitment processes to make sure they are able to get the right candidates in a challenging market. While the trends and gains in the job market remains unpredictable, how talent is hired has changed. Right from scouting and assessment of the job applications to the final decision making, technology has now taken center stage in the hiring process. From video cover letters, AI enabled search and smart chat to video interviews, all tools are being used by employers. That's where i12WRK steps in and it is this particular combination that makes the i12WRK app appealing to both job seekers and employers.

Why job seekers love i12WRK?

At a time, when it is difficult to spot a fake job post, vulnerable job seekers often end-up falling into the trap of payments. Also, once a job seeker applies to a job, they are clueless about the status of their application. There is rarely any feedback or insight as to what is happening to their application. The i12WRK app ensures complete transparency and zero cost to the seeker community.

 i12WRK has maintained its reputation for genuine and verified jobs since it launched in 2018. I12WRK has been matching job seekers with their next employer in the most transparent manner, giving out details on the company and salary to candidates.

 i12WRK assures 100 per cent response for every application. Whether a candidate is shortlisted, or a job position is closed, the candidate is informed all through the way. œi12WRK helped me find a job at such a time when people are out there looking in great numbers, and especially when you are not sure about the source or authenticity of a job posting says a candidate who used i12WRK.

Only live jobs are available on the i12WRK app from across the emirate,which includes everything from sales and marketing to retail and hospitality. The app has a host of tech-backed features including video CV, chat, job alerts, among others, that ensures job seekers find the most suitable job based on their skills, experience and salary expectations.

i12WRK is also touted to provide tools to support seeker-coaching through its i12LEARN program where it shares tips and career advice from experts. œI have a job, but i keep coming back to check the kind of new jobs, salaries being offered and some great articles on the app. I have been able to share relevant job positions with friends and family as well, says another candidate. 

Why employers trust i12WRK?

As for employers, the platform has a 86 per cent closure rate finding candidates with the required skills, experience and location preferences. I12WRK has proven effective in terms of cost and turn-around-time, with over 50,000 verified jobs posted on the platform till date. Features like video cover letter, has found increased popularity with the hiring managers in the region. œGetting to know a candidate a little more before the interview works out for both employers as well as applicants. This allows us as an employer to assess the candidate before the interview. Also, it is a great opportunity for applicants to put more on the table and stand out from a pile of other applications. says an HR professional who has been associated with i12WRK. In the GCC, the i12WRK job platform has become one of the first to have almost 40 per cent of registered seekers apply to jobs using video cover letters. œI have seen some really creative video cover letters from candidates showcasing their work, shot at different environments and even making use of their editing skills, adding effects and graphics to the video, says an HR head.

Recommendations for job seekers

Job seekers are needed to adapt themselves to the new technology, practicing introductions and interviews on videos using apps like Zoom, teams etc. They should create the right environment for an interview, with adequate internet speed, sound, background, camera angle. Even confidence on camera is essential. œI had to overcome my shyness and get comfortable with the camera first. With a few practice shots with my sister, I was able to get my video message through precise and clear, says a potential candidate.

Use i12WRK to find your next job faster

Not only are seasoned professionals affected by pandemic, but also recent graduates who are trying to get their foot in the door. The community of job-seekers is only getting bigger and job hunting during these times will require additional grit and determination. This location-based job search app is indeed the fastest growing job search app in the Gulf region. It is a fast and easy way to find jobs in UAE, whether you are a fresher or an experienced professional. The i12WRK job search app has a huge presence in sales and marketing, finance and accounting, tech, human resources, customer service, administration, especially in the salary range of Dh4,000 “ Dh12,000.

The days of door-to-door interviews, meeting people and dropping CVs are long gone. Now you can tap on the i12WRK app and choose from the jobs at locations where you want to work. You will never miss out on a job opportunity once you set your preferences to get job alerts. There are job opportunities available in sales, marketing, accounting, IT, HR, construction, real estate, logistics and warehousing, teaching, nursing, hotels and restaurants and more in the region. Download i12WRK app today to apply to latest job opportunities here.

Contact Details:

Address: Tiffany Tower, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Contact No: +97154360542

Apply Now Online: https://i12wrk.com

Apply Via Apple App: https://apps.apple.com/ae/app/i12wrk/id1320833147?ls=1

Apply via android app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.i12wrk.i12wrkphone&hl=en


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