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Henry Martin Law and YouTube Personalities, Syd and Macky, Join Forces

Posted 23 May-2020 06:18 PM by Lisa | 877

Henry Martin Law, a business and intellectual property law firm, located in Frederick, Maryland and professional mountain bikers and YouTube personalities, Syd and Macky, join forces to work together to protect the intellectual property assets held in connection with Syd and Macky's new mountain bike board game called, SEND IT!

SEND IT! It is a fast-paced, mountain bike-related board game where you ride, train, prepare and "send" progressively harder features as you race from the trailhead to be the first to send the final feature and reach the Golden Burrito. It was created by YouTube personalities, Syd and Macky, as a way to continue to enjoy the thrill of mountain biking, even when you cannot ride.

Henry œHank Abromson, founder and principal attorney at Henry Martin Law and an avid mountain biker himself, is a fan of Syd and Macky's YouTube channel and found the game to be œcompelling and a œnovel concept.

When asked about the new relationship with the YouTube stars, Abromson said, œI am thrilled to be working with Syd and Macky, as part of their team, as they make their entry into the board game market, helping them protect their valuable intellectual property rights. They are great people with a tremendous concept for a new board game.

Abromson, who has long represented athletes, entertainers, musicians and artists as part of his business and intellectual property law practice, represents other YouTube personalities as well. He thinks that, œYouTube and other social media outlets are the ˜new normal' for entertainment. Abromson explains further, œwe will continue to see YouTube personalities, like Syd and Macky, continue to pioneer what these new YouTube business models look like, with expanding and multiple streams of revenue in areas like show-related merchandise, accessories, games, for-pay premium channel subscriptions and more. We are living in exciting times, full of new opportunities and innovation!

More information about Henry Martin Law and its rapidly growing business and intellectual property practice can be found at its website, http://www.HenryMartinLaw.com.

Source:        http://www.prweb.com/releases/henry_martin_law_and_youtube_personalities_syd_and_macky_join_forces/prweb17144386.htm


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Company Information

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HENRY MARTIN LAW, 55668945 lisa2020james@gmail.com https://www.henrymartinlaw.com/

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