• Home News ENGworks Enters Global Services Partnership with A2K Global

ENGworks Enters Global Services Partnership with A2K Global

Posted 29 May-2020 02:19 PM by shipley | 918

ENGworks announced today a global services partnership with A2K Global, to bring its internationally recognized leadership in Building Information Modeling (BIM) services and solutions to the Architecture, Engineering, Construction and Owner (AEC/O) community as well as Building Product Manufacturers (BPM). This marks an evolution in the content and service delivery strategy for A2K as it seeks to leverage the RIB Global Alliance Network to bring more comprehensive and scalable services offering to multinational BPMs and Owners. œThis partnership strengthens A2K's long-standing commitment to providing project-ready BIM content that conforms to international industry standards and expectations. works brings a proven track record of quality service and technology delivery that can be leveraged by our extended channel of Value Added Resellers (VARs)," said Matthew Sheales of A2K Technologies.

Building Information Modeling (BIM) continues to change the way the industry is designing and constructing commercial buildings. Detailed and accurate product information has become a critical input throughout the design-to-construction lifecycle and has become a challenge, especially for BPMs, to deliver consistent and quality data to all of their markets. BPMs must adapt their digital marketing strategy to deliver high-quality BIM-ready content to serve the new tools and processes in design, fabrication, construction and ultimately facility and energy management.

ENGworks, in this strategic partnership with A2K, is building a Global Content Network focused on establishing much needed standards and quality guidelines for content creation, but also ensuring customers get the local service they need. BPM's need to create a variety of CAD and BIM formats in support of the increasing pressure by owners for higher efficiency and performance throughout the entire design and construction lifecycle of a BIM project. œWe see a need to provide content solutions for the AEC/O and BPM communities on an international level while supporting local project demands for languages, codes and standards. This can only be accomplished through a network of providers with knowledge of their specific construction market, working within a common framework of quality and consistency, said Chris Di Iorio, CEO of ENGworks.

In its leadership role within RIB Global, A2K sees the creation of this global service delivery capability as core to enabling its VARs and Channel Partners the ability to enhance their service offerings and support multi-national customers with a network of capable providers. œWe see a clear path to providing our customers and manufacturers the local project delivery they need with a scalable and adaptable service infrastructure to meet their international requirements, said Matthew Sheales.

About ENGworks (Chicago)

For three decades, ENGworks has been a technology leader continuously developing new processes and services to drive productivity for the AEC/O Community in their BIM and VDC workflows. The ENG works mission is to help AEC/O professionals design and build better projects by reducing risks, saving cost, by combining cutting edge technology with their deep knowledge of the building lifecycle to create BIM technologies that impact construction productivity as well as building performance for Owners. Through its extensive expertise delivering technology and real-time building automation solutions with major players in Data Centers, Health Care, Hospitality and Government, ENGworks has become the technology and service provider of choice for the AEC/O and BPM community.

Visit ENGworks http://www.engworkschi.com

About A2K Technologies

A2K Technologies fosters innovation through delivering software and hardware solutions, consulting, training, development, and managed services.

Our highly knowledgeable and industry-experienced staff from the Architecture, Engineering, Construction, Infrastructure, and Manufacturing sectors enhances our customers' organizational capabilities, to deliver on project outcomes and differentiate from the competition.

With a great footprint throughout the ANZ region, A2K has strategic partnerships with many major software and hardware vendors, including Autodesk, Microsoft, Adobe, HP, Bluebeam, Ultimaker, Symantec, and Citrix.

We have become a trusted technology advisor to our customers through the breadth and depth of our service offering and technical expertise, our commercial flexibility, and high levels of customer service and understanding. Think technology. Think A2K

Visit A2K Technologies http://www.a2ktechnologies.com.au/

All brand names, product names, or trademarks belong to their respective holders.

Source:      http://www.prweb.com/releases/engworks_enters_global_services_partnership_with_a2k_global/prweb17148068.htm


Building Product Manufacturers, A2K Technologies, scalable services, Architecture, Engineering, high levels of customer service, Construction, Infrastructure, and Manufacturing sectors automation solutions, BIM technologies, consistent and quality, design and construction, quality and consistency, building a Global Content Network, Affordable Press Release Network, Affordable Press Release Website, Cheap Press Release Distribution Site, Free Press Release Site, Free Press Release Submission

Company Information

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ENG WORKS 89698596 shipleyluis1857@gmail.com https://engworkschi.com/

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