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Digital Forensics Expert: A Growing Career Path

Posted 20 Jul-2021 05:59 PM by PFIC | 777

Digital forensics or cyber forensics is a rapidly growing field. With the advent of new technologies, the world is becoming more digital. Personal information, important business data, and insights all are available on the internet nowadays and with one click these all be hacked, stolen, or leaked. Cybercriminals are creating problems by unleashing malware and ransom ware attack to steal data and to disrupt day-to-day business or government operations. To cope up with these, cyber security and cyber forensics both are needed. Although both are different fields but their motto is the same.


Digital forensics which is also called computer or cyber forensics is the branch of forensics science with the aim to investigate and recovery material involved in digital crime. Experts of this field identify, preserve, analyze and document digital evidence to present it in the court of law. These people identify system vulnerabilities and then discover the way to mitigate them. They go inside the deep of system, network, memory, database, and system files to search or gather evidence of the crime. By using advanced tools, which would be showcase in DFIR event 2021, they carry their operations 


Ways to Develop Skills as a Forensics Expert

  1. Education- There are several college degrees programs available in cyber security and cyber investigation. You may pursue these courses and acquire a complete degree. Diploma or engineering in computer science, Information technology, cyber security, and applied science are some of the courses that provide you education as well as a specialty in cyber or digital forensics. You may have deep knowledge of coding, computer languages like C, C++, Python, or Java to be an excellent expert.


2.      Training and certification- For becoming a professional or expert in this field, it is not mandatory to acquire a degree. You may start your career after getting proper training or certification. There are various institutes that may show you the path of forensics science expert by providing you planned training and certification. There are many branches of this field like mobile investigation, email forensics, network, and database investigation. You may opt for anyone, have specialized certification, and then start your career.


3.      By attending conferences and seminars- Many digital forensics conferences are organized from time to time where you may enhance your knowledge and skill. Lectures from specialists, new trends and technologies, tools expo hours can help you a lot if you are a beginner in this field. You may get networking opportunities as well as chances to have one-to-one interaction with experts and scientists. PFIC is organizing such an event from Sept 14 to 16, 2021 which you may join in-person or virtual. If you are a beginner in the forensic field, it is one of the greatest opportunities for you to learn and educate yourself.


Where Digital Forensics Experts Work?

Nowadays anyone who uses the internet can be benefitted from digital forensics. Businesses, enterprises, banks, govt offices, intelligence agencies need experts and specialists to fight digital crime and cybercriminals. These organizations have sensitive data and information which needs strong protection and quick recovery in case of loss, duplicity, and theft. Facebook, Twitter, Bank of America, Homeland security, FBI are some of the organizations where forensics experts are a lot in number.



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Company Information

Company Name Contact Person Contact Number Email Id Website Address
PFIC Conference 1801 796 0944 pficconference@gmail.com https://pfic-conference.com/

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