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What is DIFME: Digital Internationalisation and Financial Literacy Skills for micro entrepreneurs

Posted 26 Jun-2020 07:09 PM by M | 1421

he DIFME  Erasmus + project seeks to deliver a curriculum to meet the real needs of entrepreneurs in the areas of financial literacy and digital skills. Through an in-depth analysis of the needs of entrepreneurs and the entrepreneurship programmes offered by Higher Education Institutions in the EU (and beyond) it will identify the fundamental competencies required in the two disciplines and the gaps in existing provision. The project will then design and test a curriculum to deliver these skills in a combination of methods including an e-learning platform.

Access to the learning platform and signposts to other valuable information sources will be made available through an online SME HUB which will assist both micro and larger entrepreneurs to find digitally innovative ways to internationalise their businesses. The partners will collaborate to collect and distribute all useful information (knowledge, government and other relevant assistance programmes) on national and European level.

The DIFME partnership was carefully set up having in consideration the identified needs, the objectives of the project as well as the knowledge, skills and competences required by the tasks and activities to be developed in the lifespan of the project. The partnership and the successful application for funding was put together by Malta Business Bureau, which project was selected from a large number of EU wide submissions.

DIFME is a transnational result-driven partnership made up of 5 higher education institutions and 6 business organisations.

All partners have been researching the topic and testing-based learning, research on real trends and needs of entrepreneurs. This is evidenced also by the type and number of successful previous and current projects that the partners have participated in. The DIFME partnership brings together experienced and strong knowledgeable European organisations at the forefront of entrepreneurship and HEIs.

All partners will contribute to all the WPs and the transversal activities such as dissemination, exploitation and quality assurance. This will ensure that there is consistent effort by all parties.

DIFME will develop a high-level, easy to use environment that integrates easy and effective access to learning fundamental concepts for entrepreneurship with access to the e-learning platform. Through its SME Hub, DIFME will support entrepreneurs to seize new business opportunities. The SME Hub will target start-up entrepreneurs and experienced entrepreneurs and foster interaction with academics. It will also encourage greater integration of young people into the entrepreneur market, consequently reducing unemployment and encouraging their business success. It will promote cooperation between education organisations and entrepreneurs with dissemination events to raise awareness and reaching stakeholders across Europe in English, German, Greek, Dutch, Italian and Bulgarian. The project will be concluded with a memorandum of cooperation to further develop a joint qualification programme with EU qualifications.  Keep updated with the project progress by liking our facebook page  https://www.facebook.com/difme.eu


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