• Home News Jeff Willis Purchases Discovery Map of Melbourne and Discovery Map of Cocoa Beach

Jeff Willis Purchases Discovery Map of Melbourne and Discovery Map of Cocoa Beach

Posted 01 Jul-2022 05:59 PM by Wendi | 1003

Melbourne, FL, Cocoa Beach, FL, Waitsfield, VT, July 01, 2022 -- Discovery Map International, the leading provider of colorful, hand-drawn maps of top destination cities and towns throughout North America, recently announced Jeff Willis as the new owner of Discovery Map of Melbourne, Florida and Discovery Map of Cocoa Beach. The purchase took place in early June 2022.

Willis hails from Buffalo, NY, but visits the Cocoa Beach and Melbourne area so often that he feels like a resident. He has a successful career as an executive in the commercial audio and video industry and prior experience in wholesale technology products distribution. In both industries, he led diverse digital and print marketing strategies which successfully drove growth for his customers. After researching several business opportunities and Discovery Map markets, Willis chose the Melbourne and Cocoa Beach markets to establish his business.

Both the Melbourne and Cocoa maps have been published in the past and have a long history of success in the Space Coast. Willis looks to build upon that now that he has purchased the businesses.

œOur goal is to first take care of the existing advertisers and build on their success, and second, aim to attract new advertisers and welcome them to the family, said Willis.  œWe will work tirelessly to make sure that our printed maps are available in hundreds of locations in each market, all year long, and that advertisers' messages are also optimized digitally.

This will be the first time that the Melbourne and Cocoa maps will be under the same owner.

œIt was important to purchase both the Melbourne and Cocoa businesses and ensure that advertisers in the Space Coast areas can rely on a consistent, robust approach and strategy, he added.

Discovery Maps are colorful, hand-drawn maps that have become a favorite of travelers for navigating local dining, attractions, businesses, cultural experiences and tourist destinations.

œAs much as we rely on technology, people prefer printed maps when vacationing, said Willis. œHowever, Discovery Map also has a strong digital presence that works hand in hand with the printed map and brings even more value to advertisers. The printed and digital maps are truly like works of art and reveal the character of an area... and both Melbourne and Cocoa Beach have plenty of that to go along with the natural beauty of the rivers, parks and beaches along the Atlantic Ocean.

Discovery Map of Melbourne will feature and build on the local businesses and tourist experiences in Melbourne's beach areas, downtown Main Street and surrounding areas. The Discovery Map of Cocoa Beach will similarly feature restaurants, shopping venues, experiences and other parts of Cocoa Beach, historic Cocoa Beach Village, Merritt Island, Port Canaveral and Cape Canaveral.

Discovery Maps are typically found on display in local stores, restaurants, hotels and tourist attractions. In addition to the printed map, DiscoveryMap.com offers curated content for visitors and those planning a trip (it's even great for locals who are unaware of their own town's hidden gems). The interactive map found on the website is to scale, thus can be used for turn-by-turn directions, as well as to access detailed information about areas of interest, places to eat, lodging and other noteworthy sites.

Discovery Map has more than 130 maps across the U.S. and Canada, including several maps already well established across Florida. Willis added he will work closely with Discovery Map business owners nearest to the Space Coast to ensure the best experience for his clients.

Discovery Map is a consistent winner of Franchise Business Review's top 50 in franchisee satisfaction.

Businesses interested in placing an ad in the upcoming Discovery Map of Melbourne and Discovery Map of Cocoa Beach editions can call or text Jeff at (321) 408-8971 or email jeffwillis@discoverymap.com  Instagram @SpaceCoastMap

To learn more about Discovery Map, visit discoverymap.com

About Discovery Map:
Discovery Map International, the leading provider of colorful, hand-drawn maps of top destination cities and towns throughout North America. The maps are a favorite of travelers for finding great local dining, attractions, businesses, cultural experiences, ski destinations “ and even the best locations to take selfies. Discovery Maps are typically found on display in high traffic locations including visitors' centers, local shops, restaurants, hotels and other participating venues, and at discoverymap.com. Named by Forbes as œone of the best franchises to buy in 2015, Discovery Maps International is headquartered in Waitsfield, VT, in the heart of the Green Mountains.

About Jeff Willis, Franchisee: 
Jeff Willis is a senior executive engaged in the technology products and services industry. While continuing to build and foster the growth of companies in that space, Willis has also led the relationship building, strategy and marketing efforts for start-ups to large public companies. His passion for the Space Coast, that he shares with his fianc©e Andrea, has resulted in making his purchase of Discovery Map of Melbourne and Discovery Map of Cocoa, collectively Discovery Map of Florida's Space Coast a logical part of his portfolio. Jeff is available for public speaking, consulting, interviews, and a cup of coffee. He can be reached at Florida Space Coast Enterprises, LLC by calling or texting (321) 408-8971. Follow the business on Instagram @SpaceCoastMap


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