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FC LOCKSMITH Donating to the SickKids Foundation

Posted 22 Nov-2021 02:59 PM by lily | 642

FC Locksmith, a Toronto-based locksmith company, announced a donation to the SickKids Foundation to support the SickKids Hospital during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Since its foundation in 1972, the SickKids Foundation has been raising money to support the SickKids Hospital in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. During the pandemic, the SickKids Hospital needs the support of donors more than ever to cope with everyday challenges, to keep treating children and still continue research. The SickKids Hospital was already challenged with a Covid-19 outbreak in April and during that time has taken all the necessary measures to restrict the coronavirus, while the hospital's staff continued to relentlessly work to provide health care while protecting both patients and families.

As the owner of FC Locksmith, Eran Gurvich, pointed out, giving back to the community by making even a small donation to a children's hospital is everyone's duty.

"The SickKids Hospital fights a great battle every single day; that of making sick children healthy again and we understand that there is a lot involved in this daily endeavor - research, medicine, staff, equipment, you name it. And then, the building is huge and very old. As I have learned, the SickKids Foundation raises money to support the hospital's daily efforts but also to help them build a new building, which will meet the current codes. This is our children we are talking about and that's why I feel that I had to give something back to the community. This is something we do every day through our job. People trust us to unlock their doors, to install their locks and although this is a business, we really care. We really go above and beyond to serve in the best way, in a timely manner. And so, by donating to the SickKids Foundation, we feel like giving something important back to the community - some support for the health of our children."

The building, where the SickKids Hospital is located in University Avenue, is really old and very big and so, it absorbs a lot of money for maintenance, while the rooms are small and crowded, and MRI machines do not always fit with ease. The Hospital for Sick Children, as it is formally named, is one of the biggest pediatric teaching and research hospitals.

With the money raised over the years by the SickKids Foundation, the hospital has been supported, a new wing has been built, the emergency area was renovated.

The future of the SickKids Hospital determines the future of the children

The SickKids Hospital's next project involves a new, state-of-the-art building, which will offer the best accommodation to the young patients. Donations also support the medical efforts for even greater care to the children hospitalized at the SickKids Hospital and also create initiatives for better health care for kids worldwide. Donations also enhance research, enable the improvement of science, and lead to more clinical trials and more importantly, to breakthroughs.

"When we realize, as a community, that money can do good, we'd be a much better society. Our locksmith company's initiative to donate to the SickKids Foundation is only a fraction of what we can do to help toward this direction. We live in difficult times and I can't even start to imagine the difficulties in a children's hospital. If the SickKids Hospital needed the support of individuals, businesses, organizations once before, now it needs it more than ever. Covid-19 changed everyone's life. We all realize how fragile we are as humans - a fact that small children, our children, have known it for quite a while. That's tragic. No wonder we chose to donate to the SickKids Foundation. We want to help the best way we can to enable the best health care for the children that need it," added Eran Gurvich.

About the SickKids Foundation & the SickKids Hospital

The SickKids Foundation was created in 1972 to support the SickKids Hospital by reaching out to communities and individuals for funds that will support the research, learning, and medical care of the hospital. The SickKids Hospital is one of the largest pediatric hospitals in Canada. In 2017, it ranked 2nd on the list of top 40 research hospitals and is recognized as one of the 200 best health-care institutions in biomedical sciences around the world.

About FC Locksmith

FC Locksmith is a professional locksmith company serving the Greater Toronto Area for years. The company offers residential, auto, and commercial locksmith Toronto services and addresses all emergency requests 24/7. For more information about the company and services - visit: https://www.fc-locksmith.com
Source: https://www.newswire.com/news/fc-locksmith-donating-to-the-sickkids-foundation-21559508


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