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Coronavirus outbreak affected the music industry as well as many other sectors

Posted 23 May-2020 02:20 PM by lily | 1545

Coronavirus outbreak affected the music industry as well as many other sectors. While many shows were canceled due to the taken measures, digital platforms came to the help of artists who could not rock the stages. During the lockdown, a 25% increase in listeners and a 22% increase in digital music revenues drew attention. Besides, the lockdown also became a great opportunity for artists to work on new projects, and foundations of many hits have been laid.

Social isolation measures taken within the scope of the coronavirus outbreak adversely affected the world of art but especially the musicians. While many shows are canceled since crowded activities increase the risk of transmitting the virus, artists carried their shows to a digital platform. In this process, their stage revenues hit zero but many platforms such as Instagram and YouTube, which are mainly preferred by citizens who listen to music while they stay at home, supported the artists. DJ and Producer Oguzhan Kocakli stated that his listeners on digital platforms increased by 25% and his digital music revenue increased by 22% during the pandemic. It is predicted that this trend will also bring radical changes in the music industry and digital platforms will be the main revenue source for the artists.

Producing new things in lockdown was quite easy for me
DJ and Producer Oguzhan Kocakli stated, "I was able to constantly produce new things during the lockdown. It was a great opportunity for me to complete my inner journey. The calmness and peacefulness of staying at home positively contributed to my music. I completed my projects calmly and by giving ear to my soul, which I used to perform the same action in a busy schedule in the past. I am pretty satisfied with the projects I worked on during this period. I will put them all together in a great album at the end of the year."

Pandemic allowed to discover new styles and artists
The number of listeners and new subscribers of digital platforms increased during the COVID-19 outbreak. Accordingly, the tracks of the artists began to be discovered quickly. DJ Oguzhan Kocakli, who emphasizes that intensive use of social media and launch of Instagram's music feature in Turkey for the first time accelerated the discovery of new styles, stated that people used to prefer music according to their daily routine before the pandemic and they do not listen to music apart from their favorite styles. However, lockdown that took more than two months led people to discover new styles and artists. We experience the fruitful reflections of these discoveries in the music industry. While the number of our listeners increased by 25%, a similar increase is also in question in digital platform revenues. Moreover, new listener acquisition statistics reveal that there is a 50% difference as well.

Stage of musicians will be digital media in the new normal
Oguzhan Kocakli, who told that after the pandemic period in which the produced music can only be shared in digital media, digital media will no longer be an alternative to music but will become a necessity stated that a tremendous momentum in technology has been recorded in amateur music production processes. Tracks worked on at home as a hobby can be uploaded to digital platforms easily and presented to the taste of different people. The number of artists who became famous and professional with the tracks they shared on social media is increasing every passing day. However, the pandemic period led digital platforms, which used to be considered as an alternative for amateurs, be a necessity for artists to perform their art and generate an income. The stage of artists will be digital in the new normal period in which crowds will not come together in shows for a long time.

About Oguzhan Kocakli:
Producer Oguzhan Kocakli, who released his album Miracle in 2011 and become a professional after this album, released Game Over in 201, Night Shift in 201, and Soul of Music in 2015. Again, during the same years, he released Singles and EPs such as Quietness, Cilginlik Zamani, Heart Beat, Naber, Hisset and Degisim. Kocakli, who collaborated with many artists, prepares beats for Hip-Hop artists, TV series, and movies these days. He is still working on his album RUH, which he is planning to release towards the end of 2020.

Source: https://onlineprnews.com/news/1147795-1590138557-oguzhan-kocakli-lockdown-has-contributed-to-the-productivity-of-artists.html


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