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Get expert advice on how to take care of your health and looks at home

Posted 16 May-2020 09:57 PM by lily | 1736

For at least the next few months, it looks certain that many of us will be spending a lot more time at home. This makes it even more important that we continue to look after our personal health and wellbeing at home - for example, maintaining a good exercise routine, looking after our personal appearance, eating well and getting a good night's sleep.

Philips wants to empower you to kick-start and stick to these important feel-good personal health routines, allowing you to take good care of yourself, your looks, and your loved ones. So we've spoken to our experts to gather tips and advice on things like how to get a good night's sleep, how to maintain healthy teeth and gums, what clean air in your home means if you or your loved ones suffer from allergies. And because of the psychological and emotional benefits of looking good as well as feeling good, we also consulted our experts in beauty.

So for starters, here are a couple of practical tips you can apply right now. Did you know that it's better to floss your teeth before you brush them rather than the other way round? That there are things you can do to help get a good night's sleep, even if you're stressed or anxious. Take a look at Philips' free SmartSleep Analyzer for example - a clinically validated online tool that helps you assess your sleep quality and identify solutions for some of the most common sleep challenges.

For more tips and advice on maintaining personal health and wellbeing at this challenging time.

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smartsleep-analyzer.philips 5588225600 lilyadison001@gmail.com https://www.smartsleep-analyzer.philips.com/

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