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Does Car Insurance Cover Damage Caused By Riots And Vandalism?

Posted 01 Jun-2020 02:38 PM by shipley | 1460

Compare-autoinsurance.org has launched a new blog post that explains which car insurance policy covers acts of vandalism.

For more info and free car insurance quotes, please visit https://compare-autoinsurance.org/does-your-current-car-insurance-policy-cover-vandalism/

Insurance coverage that covers acts of vandalism is not part of the liability insurance. Drivers that got their cars vandalized will have to support the costs of repairs by themselves if they are only having liability coverage. Drivers that have comprehensive coverage in their insurance plans will be protected against acts of vandalism.

Rioting can occur at unexpected times and the consequences can be devastating for car and business owners, It can be difficult to assign fault to any damage caused by a riot, especially since rioters tend to cover their faces. Owning the right coverage can help drivers recover from riot-related losses. Policyholders need to have coverage in place before the rioting occurs since some providers may not allow purchasing coverage when active riots are in the area. This is the case with the ongoing violent riots happening in more than 25 states all over the U.S. What drivers should know:

    Comprehensive coverage is the only policy that covers vandalism. This coverage will protect drivers against events that don't involve driving. Evens like car theft, floods, fire, falling objects, and of course vandalism Drivers should think twice before purchasing this expensive policy. Every day, there are more than 700 acts of vandalism against vehicles from the US. Comprehensive coverage comes with a deductible that has to be paid before the insurance kicks in and pay for the costs to repair or to replace a vehicle.
    The costs of comprehensive coverage. Several factors can influence the costs of comprehensive insurance. Factors like the insurance company, the policyholder's coverage, and his address. Besides paying for the comprehensive coverage, drivers will also have to pay for the rest of the components of their policies. On average the costs of comprehensive car insurance are about $1,000 per year.
    Comprehensive coverage will also reimburse the policyholder if the car's windshield is cracked or shattered. Some companies offer glass coverage without a deductible.
For additional info, money-saving tips and free car insurance quotes, visit https://compare-autoinsurance.org/

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Source:        http://www.prweb.com/releases/does_car_insurance_cover_damage_caused_by_riots_and_vandalism/prweb17159684.htm


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