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SEOHost.Net COO: Interactivity in Content Marketing is a Must for Relevancy

Posted 20 May-2020 06:24 PM by shalabh | 1977

SEOHost.net, a leading domain registration, SSL service, and SEO hosting provider, announced today that interactive content will soon become a cornerstone of content marketing.

œUltimately, interactive content is about differentiating your marketing from that of your competitors, said Terry Cane, COO of SEOHost.Net. œIt's common knowledge by this point that content has reached a saturation point. Every brand, every business, every professional has a blog, a Facebook page, and a Twitter feed.

Cane said that the focus should now be on making content more interesting, engaging, and dynamic.

He said that there are multiple ways to achieve this:

Quizzes and questionnaires
Tools and apps that a brand's audience might find tangentially useful
Interactive visuals such as maps and infographics
œWhatever you do to make your content more dynamic, remember that it still needs to be geared towards your audience, said Cane. œThat means appealing to their emotions, focusing on what's relevant to them, and - perhaps most importantly - creating stuff that's visually and intellectually appealing to them.

œIt's also important to remember that interactivity is not going to replace content marketing, he continued. œRather, businesses should view it as a way to augment their efforts. To add a bit of spice to what they're already doing that helps them stand out from their competitors.

A study conducted by lead conversion platform SnapApp found that 91 percent of consumers desire more interactive content.. The study confirmed that interactive content is something that has been a staple of digital marketing for years, but which only recently has started to make its way into the mainstream.

About SEOHost.net:
Located in Orlando, Florida with locations all around the world, SEOHost.Net provides a wide range of services in both the U.S. and the E.U., including domain registration, SSL Hosting for SEO, and VPS, dedicated, and A Class IP hosting. The company offers exceptional service with a strong service level agreement, multiple geographic locations, and free migration. For more information, visit https://www.seohost.net.


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SEOHost 4074769854 shalabh.mishra@gmail.com https://www.SEOHost.net

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