"This is just another way that Amazon is showing that they don't know what it means to be in solidarity with the Black community," said Bay Area Amazonians member, and Amazon warehouse worker, John Hopkins. "It's ridiculous to think that you can make that statement of 'solidarity', and then have one of your subsidiaries sending workers home on the grounds that things that say "Black Lives Matter" are controversial." Hopkins feels that this is as much about stopping workers from organizing as it is about stopping them from wearing the paraphernalia.
Adrienne Williams, founder of Bay Area Amazonians, agrees. "Amazon is invested in keeping workers from realizing the power of their collective voice. Their business model is built on being able to exploit Black and Brown bodies for so-called unskilled labor. What is Amazon without one day shipping? And how do they accomplish that without Black and Latinx workers?"
The two say the started Bay Area Amazonians to help workers feel comfortable speaking out in the face of overwhelming pressure from their employer. "I personally faced a two month suspension for my organizing." said Hopkins. "They want to silence my voice, and that's the same thing I see happening with the Whole Foods Workers in this situation."
The Whole Foods protest is organized by Jordan Baker who says she was sent home for wearing Black Lives Matter gear to work. In an Instagram post she wrote :
I work in Berkeley, CA at Whole Foods Market on Gilman St. and I'll probably lose my job over this, but I honestly don't want to work for a company who only supports a movement when it makes them look good, or makes them money. I wore this mask to work today and within 5 minutes, was called into the office. I was told I couldn't wear it because it's controversial. During the conversation, I was told the company wants to stay neutral and I laughed in their faces and told them this is fucked up. They told me if I wanted to stay, I had to wear a different mask, so I left for the day. I have worked for Whole Foods for 7+ years. I've given them my all, I've worked full time through this pandemic, risking my life every single time I clock in. Let's talk about supporting your team members. Cuz this shit ain't it. Whole Foods is fucking blowing it when it comes to doing the right thing, time and time again.
Williams says she instantly identified with the post when she read it. "It felt like something that I could have written about my experience with Amazon. They want all the accolades and good PR that comes from doing the right thing, but when it comes to doing the right thing when no one is watching, we can't even say they fail, because they don't even try."
The peaceful socially distanced protest will take place at the Whole Foods market on Gilman St. in Berkeley this Friday from 5 to 7pm. Supporters are encouraged to bring signs, wear a mask and maintain proper social distancing.
"Those who remain neutral in the face of injustice choose the side of the oppressor," said Hopkins "This is just one in a myriad of ways that Amazon has shown that not only do they not stand in solidarity with us, they prefer to keep their knees on our necks."
Adrienne Williams - Founder - @adrienneandgp (twitter)
John Hopkins - Member - @jphoniks (twitter)
Bay Area Amazonians:
Twitter: @AreaAmazon
Web: https://www.bayareaamazonians.org
Email: BayAreaAmazon@pm.me
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06 Feb, 2025