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Vein Removal Treatment: Which One Is The Best For you?

Posted 05 Aug-2021 02:28 PM by Harold | 614

 Most people have large blue or greenish bulging veins in legs from their upper and lower due to weak vein walls. Fortunately, People are not bound to live their lives with ugly appearances. The medical field has progressed in terms of treatments as it has new advanced technology along with hi-tech machines. Therefore, there are several kinds of treatments to avoid the embarrassment of these faulty veins. Consult a vein specialist near me to determine the right treatment for you.

Noninvasive Treatment for Varicose Veins


Causes of varicose veins:


There are multiple causes responsible for the occurrence of varicose veins that may include:


  • Heredity
  • Hormones imbalance
  • Trauma or injury in the legs
  • Standing or sitting without taking any pause.


Moreover, bulging veins develop when the valves of veins are destroyed. Veins' main function is to circulate blood from the lower part of the body towards the heart. When they fail to perform this work effectively, the blood pressure in the particular area increases making veins enlarged and stretched. Over time this increased size of the veins causes bulging leading to varicose veins. Such types of conditions require a Veins Treatment Center.


The varicose vein treatments near me may vary depending on the severity of the problem of the patients such as:




Sclerotherapy Near Me consists of an injection containing an irritant solution.  The solution generates irritation inside the lining of the vein making them collapse and disappear after a few days.


Vein Stripping/Ligation:


With Vein stripping and ligation, the vein doctor near me makes a small incision and removes the damaged portion of the veins. He/She ties off the upper portion of the damaged vessel and the remaining part of the vein will be left to continue circulation.  This procedure is generally used to eliminate the damaged part of the veins. Professionals make an incision at the top and the bottom of the vein and eliminate the damaged part completely.

Varicose Veins Treatments, Causes, Pain Relief, Surgery & Removal


Ambulatory Phlebectomy: 


It includes the removal of varicose veins with a surgical hook. The professional will make several cuts on the affected area of the leg and then the damaged veins are pulled out through the small incisions. This treatment is similar to stripping only difference is that the damaged vein is removed through multiple incisions in several pieces instead of one fell swoop.


Laser Vein Removal:


The laser technique is also referred to as an EVLT(endovenous laser treatment), and uses ultrasound technology to eliminate unwanted ugly veins. Once the professional detects the location of the diseased veins, he/she inserts a laser probe into the vein in order to treat them from inside out. The laser treatment makes the vein to be sterilized that cuts it off from the blood circulation and eventually shuts down.


Treatments alone or in conjunction with others can offer effective results to remove these unsightly veins.  Consult with your doctor to know your current state of the problem and get accurate treatment.


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Company Information

Company Name Contact Person Contact Number Email Id Website Address
VIP Medical Group 6464938461 haroldmehta@gmail.com https://www.vipmedicalgroup.com/

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