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Oley Hemp’s CBD Honey providing YOU with a natural wellness experience

Posted 27 Feb-2021 07:57 PM by Jeffrey | 626

The best CBD products using no pesticides, reducing CO2 by a non-toxic and a vibrant industry from Oley Valley, Berks County, PA.

Oley Hemp was founded in 2018 by Jeffrey Brooks and is one of the leading producers of hemp and hemp derived products in the US. Jeffrey has over three decades of experience in business ventures across a variety of industries and used his knowledge in developing the company.

Their high quality organic products are free from additives, pesticides, herbicides, fillers, mycotoxins, GMO's, heavy metals, dairy and gluten. Their products are procured out of the quality hemp, and they maintain ingredient transparency for you and your family's trusted use. Oley Hemp is devoted to help you balance your wellness end-to-end by providing the best quality products like CBD Honey.

Oley Hemp's values are,

  1. No Pesticides: Their cannabis grows from fertile soil that retains its nutrients. They advocate usage of no pesticides thus creating safe products that can be ingested without fear of toxic ingredients.

  2. Reduce CO2: Hemp helps a great deal to replace a lot of carbon-dioxide from our environment and aids anti-global warming measures. They always stick to using environment friendly solutions from farming to packaging and distribution.

  3. Non-Toxic: They are committed to offering non-toxic products and take great pride in the fact that they do. The non usage of toxins in production and stringent quality testing make their products trustworthy and chemically safe.

  4. Vibrant Industry: Hemp in their farms is grown to be beneficial to the environment and promises a lot of industrial growth and improvement. They also donate a part of their profits and products to animal welfare.

Their prominent ingestible products is CBD Tinctures. They are based out of Pennsylvania, being the center of operations and have farms based in multiple states growing their own hemp across the US in Sidney Montana, Culver Oregon and Oley Pennsylvania.

All portions of the plants are harvested in one of the processing centers with state-of-the-art technology and process the high quality hemp from their own FDA and other authorities' compliant processing plants. Their well-known multipurpose product is CBD Oils.

The process incorporates the idea of leaving no waste. CBD Salve is their most famous topical product.

Oley Hemp sells their own products under their own name and also some resellers. Their product range varies from personal care, pet car, household and food items and is available on their website (https://oleyhemp.com/collections/all). They also have tie-ups with authentic and reliable resellers like Fairview Farm, Kimberton, Chewy.com and even Amazon.

OleyHemp is one of the best brands to offer a full range of CBD products that are farmed and processed in an environment friendly way, without using any toxic chemicals and offers 100% purity.


Contact Info:

Jeffrey Brooks
6048 Oley Turnpike Road, Oley, PA 19547



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