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Back for The Holidays. Cooking Holiday Meals Can Put The Stress on Your Back

Posted 18 Dec-2021 11:47 AM by Aimee | 646

Rhode Island, December 18, 2021 -- The holidays are here. Even in a limited, pandemic fashion that means preparing a holiday meal. While most think overindulging at the dinner and dessert table to be the primary concern for the holidays, the real culprit may be the strain and stress the holidays put on your back.

œBeing on your feet a lot during the holidays can put stress on your spine. If you are cooking a lot or entertaining for family, go slow, and ask for help. Everyone pitching in can go a long way in taking the stress off of one person, both physically and mentally, said Dr. Kristin Kolesar Fabris, president of the Chiropractic Society of Rhode Island and a chiropractor at Be Well Chiropractic & Health in Providence, RI.

To minimize stress on your back and emotional stress of preparing the meal, Dr. Fabris recommends involving your guests”family and friends”in the preparation. If you can invite a few of your guests over a day or two in advance to start the preparation, even better.

Additionally, she advises wearing comfortable shoes that keep your knees, hips and pelvis aligned. Also, sit down for tasks like peeling potatoes or chopping carrots.

œIf this time of year might be a little more stressful or wearing on you, it's a great time to visit your chiropractor for an adjustment, or to increase the frequency of your wellness visits, said Dr. Fabris.

If you not currently seeing a chiropractor and want to explore how chiropractic can help, you can utilize the œFind A Doctor feature on the Chiropractic Society of Rhode Island's website, http://www.richiro.org

About Chiropractic Society of Rhode Island (CSRI):
Founded in 1918, CSRI is one of the oldest chiropractic associations in the United States and represents almost half of the chiropractic physicians in the Ocean State. In addition to providing a regional voice for chiropractors in the business and legislative arenas, CSRI also helps educate the general public on the benefits of chiropractic. Those all-natural benefits can include relief from headaches, asthma, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, carpal tunnel, colic, and stress, just to name a few. The Chiropractic Society of Rhode Island is located at 1272 West Main Road, Building 2, Middletown, RI 02842. For more information, call (401) 207-0700 or visit www.RIchiro.org.


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