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Are you going Outdoors? Carry your disposable facemask!

Posted 26 Oct-2020 04:24 PM by covidessentialsuk | 73185

Facemasks. Friend or Foe?


The mask front lines are its cause and compulsion, that is the hardest to repel and refute. While turning back to the pre-COVID times, we realize that facemasks were only a matter of choice to avoid dust allergies and pollution on roads. During Covid19, it has grown up to become the thing most talked about and made use of. Masks are not any more the pieces of cloth covering the lower part of your face, but a prerequisite to protect yourself and to protect others. The Covid 19 pandemic  has pushed us to take every possible precaution to protect ourselves and our close ones without compromise.  


Debunking the myths of masks


In the era of social distancing, facemasks in the UK have become the bridge to maintain social relationships with family, friends and colleagues. Facemasks do not stop coronavirus, but they certainly provide a protective barrier to stop limit the virus's spread that may upsurge with gatherings and changes in weather now that winter is fast approaching. Science is torn between the effectiveness of facemasks. Surgeons and specialist construction workers have been protecting their lungs for decades by wearing protective facemasks. When someone coughs or sneezes and there is a barrier to limit the lingering disease in the air in a supermarket or when in direct contact with someone, would you prefer a buy surgical facemask in the UK as added protection or not? The government has issued rules and guidelines. I for one will wear one in public gatherings, call it placebo? If it protects me, my family and others. I'm in. It's your call. Protect yourself. Protect others.


Are you going Outdoors? Carry your disposable facemask!


With the coming of hygiene masks, the taboo of œno stepping out has come to an end! The pandemic era sustains, but the risks of your bare nose and mouth being exposed to the air last no more. With your masks pulled up, hygiene holds your concerns. We all love to breathe the fresh air amidst the greenery, below the sky, but during this time, breathing through our masks in public gatherings is effortless as our N95 facemasks in the UK are easy to wear, breathable, lightweight, disposable, and hygiene friendly. You also get home with a sense of accomplishment that at the end of the day you have protected yourself and others throughout the day. 


Where to get your protective masks from?

 www.covidessentialsuk.com  A box of 50 lightweight, easy to breathe, hygienic and disposable facemasks. Only 12.99 +P&P


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