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America and Israel Lead the Fight Against COVID-19 Says Dr. Ernst Von Schwarz

Posted 30 Apr-2021 06:19 PM by Andrea | 731

COVID-19 cases have been steadily diminishing in California after its peak last December - January," says medical researcher and cardiologist Dr. Ernst von Schwarz. "While the CDC has canceled the outdoor mask mandate, Europe is seeing a third wave, India is reporting over 350,000 new daily cases and people in Brazil are dying because of oxygen shortages and inadequate intensive care capacities."

Several countries have now implemented more aggressive lockdown policies including curfews from 10 pm until 5 am in Germany. Currently, The United States and Israel are in much better condition than other countries. But why? Are we facing mutations that reached other counties first? Are our medical systems better prepared? Are we expecting another rise in numbers? Did our distancing measures work better? We hope to avoid a third wave in California and elsewhere. We don't have all the answers, however, the following issues should be recognized:

1. Vaccination helps to prevent severe disease, hospitalizations, and death. Data from Israel showed early on that vaccination reduced disease and the spread.

2. So far, most European countries have not vaccinated as aggressively as have the US or Israel.

3. Distancing requirements in the US are less strict and less adhered to compared to many countries. 

4. Politics in countries including Brazil have led to denials of the dangers posed by the pandemic.

5. We assume but are not certain whether vaccination reduces the spread.

6. Currently available vaccines are likely effective against most of the known coronavirus variants.

7. Developing mutations might require additional booster vaccinations and vaccine adjustments.

8. Vaccine hesitancy is delaying achievement of herd immunity. Further public education on the benefits versus risks of vaccination is needed.

9. Societies will be dealing with the virus for a long period of time.

10. Proof of repeated negative COVID tests and vaccination will be required to attend gatherings with people in close proximity, including conferences, sports, entertainment events, etc.

"Reports of rare, potentially fatal cases of blood clotting, especially in younger women are concerning and likely associated with certain adenovirus vaccines including Johnson & Johnson in the US and Astra-Zeneca in Europe," says Dr. von Schwarz. "However, the numbers seem to be very small while vaccination saves lives."

Prof. Dr. Ernst von Schwarz
Cardiologist and scientist, medical correspondent

Source URL - https://www.newswire.com/news/america-and-israel-lead-the-fight-against-covid-19-says-dr-ernst-von-21377694


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