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The what, how and why of distance learning offered by Sky education for the ease of students

Posted 23 Aug-2021 02:15 PM by sky | 849

August 23, 2021 (New Delhi, Delhi) “ When refer to the expression distance education; students are facing a non-face-to-face study method of training through technology tools. This requires certain planning to generate the desired results. It is not carried out in a physical classroom, but participants have their own space established to enter this modality.

Characteristics of distance learning

  • ·         It is not face-to-face.
  • ·         Students use technology tools.
  • ·         They can have direct interaction with facilitator in real-time or delayed.
  • ·         It allows them to have a flexible schedule.
  • ·         Everything is planned classes, activities, assignments.
  • ·         Feedback on content, ideas, and communication is given.
  • ·         It can be evaluated to determine the level of understanding regarding the objectives and issues concerned.
  • ·         They don't have to transfer to a classroom.
  • ·         It allows them to update and advance mastering new content.

What do students gain from distance learning?

With this type of study, they can structure their day according to a flexible schedule, and do not have to transfer to an institution. Students can receive and participate in their class from the comfort of their home with the essential required tools, Internet, computer; reduce limitations, and they can also adapt their lifestyle with academic training in a balanced way and be up to date.

People can participate from anywhere, with any occupation and without age limit; with this modality, they consider those who cannot travel to the place where face-to-face classes are taught.

How did distance learning come about?

At the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, with the appearance of writing, the emergence of the printing press and correspondence letters, an educational model by correspondence based on reading, began. Historical events in the world made it necessary to look for alternative means of education, to face-to-face, easily accessible, and effective classrooms, which will be able to teach, impart education and update it with science.

With the appearance of the telephone, verbal education is implemented, radio and television intervene, and audiovisual tools are used for education. Currently, computing has intervened in educational processes due to the use of the computer.

Distance education in India

Since distance courses of BBA and Internet content are advances in distance education in India, this modality has currently increased due to the COVID19 pandemic, which has given way to an immediate update to prepare students from the various educational levels.

Although there is still a long way to go, Distance learning BBA has diversified, being strictly necessary at this time, complemented with the virtual education modality.

Limits of Distance learning BBA

Access to information and knowledge is important. Distance learning BBA is limited since many homes do not have Internet access or a computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone, which allows them to access this methodology. Therefore, both for those affected cause educational damage.

In the same way, having any of these tools and not having Internet service for whatever reasons or having limited data without free access to the content students require to continue their education produces a demotivation or discouragement in the interested party.

How is Distance learning BBA handled?

Applications such as WhatsApp are used to impart content to students. Sometimes, email is used. The local situation must be considered to design strategies that adapt and allow continuing distance education, such as attending the institution once a week to find the materials to be developed.

Distance learning BBA is organized and plans or works with educational programs and a diversity of methodologies; offering new opportunities for stakeholders is a challenge for all involved in the management of business administration because they have to go through a process of adaptation and learning.

It is about using new tools to teach classes, knowledge and evaluate learning. Teachers know BBA to apply it and have a program of objectives to meet, assignment of research work, and some practical exercises. It is essential to maintain good communication and give the guidelines correctly regarding schedules and rules to flow smoothly.

In distance learning BBA, students can work with guides, support material, questionnaires, and upon completion of the course, it must be approved. As a different learning modality, where the way of educating has advanced to become one, with the new technologies that have become present in the world, it has been efficient even if it is a slow process.

At first, it is independent modalities, of free schooling, of learning on their own, following some basic indications that motivate them to investigate, allow them to develop their own criteria and techniques to extract information from accessible sites where it is available.

Resistance to change

When the distance education modality is optional, it seems that some prefer it because of their rhythm of life. Various activities and responsibilities occupy their time to work and study simultaneously and dedicate time to the family. There are those who want to attend a classroom, listen to what the teacher has to say, and answer questions immediately.

In the distance education modality, students can also hear or see the teacher through their senses, but with technological tools, it depends on how the class is developing. They can ask a question and have it answered immediately or later, and they have to train themselves to adapt and learn from the comfort of their home or perhaps from an Internet connection center. In this case, they are facing distance education with the presence of virtual education due to the need for an Internet connection to interact.

How can the Distance learning BBA modality affect it?

Adapting to this new training process may imply during the implementation process that the participants go through stress, worry, anguish, feeling that they are not going to meet the objectives or finish an assignment on time, they can get blocked, cry, suffer, headaches because they do not understand.

Yet, at the same time, they manage to coordinate their rhythm of life with their distance educational activities and clarify their uncertainties. The important thing is to avoid losing interest in order to achieve the objectives expected of efficient distance education.

What is the importance of Distance learning?

This new way of learning encourages creativity in the student, arouses their curiosity, and motivates them to investigate. Their learning and obtaining knowledge depend on intellect because the facilitator gives them tools to guide. Still, the protagonist is the student, developing the strategies that best suit their learning abilities.

Implementation of Distance learning BBA

Making this study modality a reality implies carrying out programs adapted to the conditions of the place and the capacity for participation that those involved may have, requires updating the educational system, considering elements that must change such as attendance, it is a dynamic, flexible process, to those students continue to receive a quality education.

It is given in a way adapted to the new modalities that exist in the world thanks to advances in technology. As a result, it can provide certain benefits or cost reductions in some components. Adapting to learning in virtual environments also requires concentration and avoiding distractions that can disperse the participant's attention; it is essential to enable a specific space exclusively dedicated to studying, where education and the digital or virtual world are balanced, thus allowing for balance to extract the greatest possible advantages.

What is evident in this modality of distance learning is that both teachers and students are separated, and learning is not conditioned to a specific space or time. In distance learning BBA, at the primary educational level, students are collaborators in the learning process because they review their tasks and help them perform them satisfactorily. In summary, the process or modality of distance education requires to be supervised, monitored, and updated frequently to continue achieving the students' educational progress, which is evidenced in performance and is noticeable due to the accompaniment in the teaching, is given. Face-to-face teaching is less dynamic than distance education. Although traditionally, students were given physical means to carry out their activities, it has been updated.

It is feasible to learn through Distance learning

For the learning process to be effective through this modality, there must be good communication between the facilitator and the student, be clear when expressing themselves and assigning the contents, not overdoing the tasks, and that the strategies are focused on discovering the level of understanding of the imparted. 

For more information visit: https://skyeducation.co.in


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