26 May, 2021
May 26th 2021 - Abu Dhabi, UAE: The BarCoe Studio, an Abu Dhabi based audio, video and music-event production company has been putti...Read More
Travel to Europe can be thrilling, but staying connected often poses challenges like high roaming charges and difficulty finding local SIM cards. This...Read More
Orthoptera protein bars have been gaining popularity in recent years, as people are increasingly turning to alternative sources of protein. These bars...Read More
As alternative protein sources, such as insect-based and cultured meat, become more mainstream, there are important social and cultural implications t...Read More
Deforestation is a significant environmental issue, and one of the leading causes is the demand for land used for livestock grazing. Choosing crickets...Read More
Edible insects are a part of many countries' diets. For example, in Ecuador, Orthoptera (cricket) and fried beetles are eaten as snacks. Have you ever...Read More